School News

Celebrating 7 Years of School

On Tuesday, Josephine from Bunnings presented a citrus tree to the year 7's to commemorate their time their time at Largs Bay School.

The tree will be planted in our school near the playground.

Performance 1 

It is  concert time again. Last Thursday  the Le Fevre Hub band performed in the hall with Isabelle W  playing percussion.


Last Friday was the first of two concerts by the children involved in the Learning Through Music lessons on Fridays.

Thanks you Rotary Club Largs Bay & Regency Park

Rotary Club Largs Bay & Regency Park in partnership made a generous donation of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) to Largs Bay Primary School. This device when used within the first 3-5 minutes of a heart arrest can dramatically increase the patient's chance of survival.

Maria Jackson, Sarah Guscott, Mike Tate, Brian Wheatley
Maria Jackson, Sarah Guscott, Mike Tate, Brian Wheatley