Sustainability Club News

Tips & Tricks

If you’re bored in lockdown here are a few fun things you can do to be that tiny bit more sustainable, if you’re not doing them already. 

1. Collect your bread tag/clips and bring them into school –You can find a collection box in the library

The sustainability club are collecting these to donate to an Organisation who recycle them and use the money to make wheelchairs for those who are in need. Check it out -


2. Got old stationery that you don’t know what to do with? Collect it and drop it off at your nearest Officeworks. 

They have special collection boxes for all things stationary and appliances 


3.Reuse your recycling to create at home art projects 


4. Make your own paper 

Follow these quick and easy steps to create your own paper


by Athina Kotsimbos - Year 12