Dear Parents/Carers, Families and College Community


COVID Vaccinations

This week I had my second Astra Zeneca vaccination and am pleased to be fully vaccinated. I am also pleased that many of our staff are having their vaccinations as I firmly believe the more Australians we have vaccinated the safer we will all be.  


You would probably be aware that vaccinations are now open for those aged 16 to 29 and can be booked by visiting Roll Up for WA.


Bushfire Planning

Despite green paddocks and current rainy weather, there is a need for us to prepare for  the up coming bushfire season. Due to our location, we are rated as “extreme risk” and are expected to develop a standalone Bushfire Plan. The plan is located on our website and identifies a range of information related to our preparedness for and response to bushfire. In short, our response involves a number of factors;

  • Communication with local authorities and the school community about bushfire awareness, preparedness and response.
  • Managing fuel levels around the main campus area, plus usual firebreaks around the Farm.
  • Evacuation drills.
  • Maintenance of records and systems to communicate in the event of an emergency.
  • Identification of on-site safe location - gymnasium.
  • Identification of off-site safe location - Harvey Recreation Centre (Leschenault Recreation Centre as backup).

We monitor weather conditions daily and communicate through staff and lunch notices of any changes in routine as per the following table courtesy of DEFS, which also  applies to your own home situations as well. In the event that we are threatened by fire we will naturally take all steps to ensure the safety of our students, staff, visitors and livestock and communicate with our College Community at the time.


In recent years there has been a rise in the prevalence of vaping (use of e-cigarettes). There is increasing evidence that vaping is harmful and normalises smoking behaviour which may attract young people to smoking.


Sales of e-cigarettes containing nicotine are illegal in Australia. Vaping with non-nicotine, still expose the user to tiny particles of chemicals which enter the lungs and can cause health issues.


Students found vaping or with vaping materials will be treated as per smoking. A handy source of information for parents is;


Seeking Cinderella

After the Ball we found a pair of ladies size 6 shoes. Also a silver ring. Please contact the College if you think they might be yours.