From the Principal

Feast of the Assumption of Mary - 15 August

  • Prayer
  • Screen Free Day
  • "Click and Collect" Day for Year 12 and Year 11 HSC Accelerant Students
  • Prayer Garden
  • Thank you to the P&F
  • Message of Hope and Support from the Governor of NSW
  • Students Leaving the College at the end of the year


Last Sunday, 15 August, was the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady. We pray to Mary our Mother to guard us and comfort us through these difficult times. We ask Our Lady to take special care of the sick and suffering. 


We also pray for the people of Afghanistan.  We have all been horrified by the scenes in Kabul and especially pray for refugees and those suffering persecution. 


Although we are all feeling the changes and loss associated with our ongoing lockdown, I thought it good to mention that while we are missing much of our normal lives, not everything has changed for the worse.  Not everything is cancelled.  We can still spend time with our loved ones at home or through online activities such as games or online dinners together.  We can take the time to call that old friend we haven't had the time to speak with in person.

We can still enjoy sunlight on our faces while taking a walk, we can take up that activity we have never previously found the time for - puzzles, cryptic crosswords, painting.  You could start a story and then send it along to your friends one by one so that each of you writes some of it.  We can put our thoughts to good use to see the positive side of current life, rather than the negative.

HOPE is not cancelled!

Screen Free Day

The College conducted a “Screen Free Day” today and from all accounts it was really needed. I hope the students were able to take advantage of the beautiful weather and do some COVID safe exercise as well as learning activities not involving screens!

Tomorrow classes will resume as per the “new normal” - online learning.

“Click and Collect" Day for Year 12 and HSC Accelerants 

The Year 12 students and the Year 11 HSC Accelerants came into the school today under a very COVID safe process where they were on a scheduled roster.

Each student received a learning pack and some “goodies” from the school in a survival kit. The students are doing well and were pleased to have the opportunity to come to school, even for such a brief visit. 

Please continue to keep the 2021 HSC class in your prayers.  

Prayer Garden

We took the opportunity today to invite Year 12 to plant a plant in the garden as they came through today and it will be part of their gift to the school this year.

Many thanks to Liam Chang and Mr Russo who coordinated this. 

Thank You to the P&F

The College staff would like to thank Sarah Gillard (P&F President) and the P & F for the gift of an Uber Eats voucher to help keep staff going at this point in the term.

This was deeply appreciated by all staff and we thank the parents for their support and encouragement. 

Message of Hope and Support from the Governor of NSW

Schools across New South Wales received the video message below from the Governor of NSW, The Honorable Margaret Beazley AC QC.  It is a message of support and encouragement to all students, staff and parents, with a special message for Year 12 and HSC students of 2021.

Students Leaving the College at the end of the year

Parents are reminded that if you are considering a change of schools at the end of the year, that you are welcome to contact me at the College through my PA, Mrs Ann Brady or phone 9414 4312.

I am very open to discussing any private and confidential matters. The College does provide financial support for school fees and parents are welcome to contact me or the Business Manager, Mr Nick Carson  or phone  9411 4733.

You are also welcome to contact the College Registrar to discuss any enrolment matters:

It is the policy of the College that a term’s notice should be given in writing to the Principal if there is a change of schools. If notice is not given, a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be levied. As we head towards the end of Term 3, I ask any parents considering a change to make contact with the College.

Mr John Couani - Principal