Clyde North Campus News

Student Wellbeing Page – A Reboot; A refresh; A change

Once again, we looked to our College Captains to lead in developing new and innovative initiatives to make remote learning just that little bit more enjoyable and they did not disappoint. They have re-imagined and refreshed the Student Wellbeing Page with fun, interactive and meaningful ways to stay connected to one another during this continued period of remote learning and lock down. 

I particularly like the really bad COVID jokes and our Sport’s Captain Samuel’s exercise tips. What I do want to highlight for parents, guardians and caregivers is the section on the Student Wellbeing page; Are you not feeling well? This is a critical question for us to ask our young people and for them to ask each other. We need to normalise asking if we are ok and importantly be ok if the answer is no, because that tells us we need to talk more and start caring conversations. Students can click on the link to access a whole range of services, ideas, and help. I would encourage all parents, guardians and caregivers to visit this resource as you find it incredibly valuable and supportive. 

An additional bonus resource I discovered by clicking on the support services is a link to Action for Happiness, a website that has developed a calendar featuring a special message of how to Action Happiness each month. September 2021 is Self Care Month. Each day of the week is illustrated with a simple but effect message that all of us could use and enact to  support positive wellbeing. So take the challenge; Self Care September: daily actions to help you be kinder to yourself and other.



As parents, guardians and caregivers we will continue to try our best to navigate the uncertainty of this Term by supporting our young people the best way we can.

If you are needing some further inspiration, here are some good advice and top tips from adolescent expert Dr Michael Carr-Gregg.  

“Young people will take their lead from us. The responsible message is to let them know that as the adults in their life we take the COVID seriously but we are not panicking. The virus will take it course and we will return to school, work and travel once more. This is not downplaying what they are feeling or going through it is just providing context.’’


Top tips:  what to say and do to help your child.                      

  • Choose your battlegrounds – focus on health and safety matters (rather than tidy rooms, etc.)
  • Focus on wellbeing – encourage children to focus on what they can control (sleep, diet, exercise and connecting with friends)
  • See life as it is – encourage children to reflect on what went well for the day (focus on the good bits).
  • We can't control the lockdown but we can choose our response – help children change their thinking to focus on what they can control.
  • Don't be afraid to reach out for help – contact your child's learning advisor, House Leader, subject teachers, family friend or counsellors.

2022 Student leadership

Well done to all Year 11 students who bravely put themselves forward as candidates for College Captains and Executive Leaders. The quality and integrity of the speeches was incredible. Through the speeches we got to know the aspirations of each candidate and understood their journey that lead to them seeking nomination. Students effortlessly incorporated our Patron Saint Peter, ROCKS and a selection of biblical references that held special meaning and inspiration to them. What was truly wonderful was to hear in each speech the genuine love and care that each candidate feels towards our College and our Community. Regardless of who receives the College Leader Badges in 2022, all of our candidates are already great Leaders.  We are indeed very blessed.

I wish you all a productive and safe week.


Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus