SPA update

Shelford Parent's Association

SPA encourages any members of the school community to attend its meetings and welcomes new ideas. Meetings are on the last Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Usually in the Helenslea Drawing Room. The next meeting is on Wednesday 25 August on Teams.


In line with changing restrictions, SPA will be postponing the Father’s Day breakfast to a father–daughter function later in the year. As soon as we are in a position to confirm this we will let the community know dates. Thank you to our volunteers for their support across all the Father’s Day activities so far planned. 


It has been an exciting time with really positive engagement between the Board and SPA, which will expand more broadly into the parent community with the inaugural SPA sponsored event planned for Thursday 21 October. This event will see the Board and the School present the new strategic plan to the community with a Q&A forum.  


SPA is also subsidising tickets at the Quaerite Dinner, which has been rescheduled to Friday 12 November. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this dinner. 


SPA Committee