Year 7 immunisations

Year 7 students are now due for their second and final dose of the HPV vaccine. Due to the impacts of COVID-19 continuing restrictions and remote learning, the year 7 immunisations scheduled for Monday 6 September will continue as planned, however due to the school closure the immunisations will take place at the Mentone Municipal Office, 34 Brindisi Street, Mentone.
This is something the school did last year to complete the program in lockdown which ran very successfully. In line with the classification of immunisation as an essential medical service, parents/carers and students are permitted under the current restrictions to travel outside of the 5km limit if they must do so to obtain a due vaccination.
In order to ensure the day runs smoothly all year 7 classes at MGSC have been cancelled on Monday 6 September. Students should attend their scheduled vaccination session as listed to avoid large numbers attending at the same time
Times | |
7A - 9.30am | 7E - 11.30am |
7B - 10am | 7F- 12 noon |
7C - 10.30 | 7G -12.30pm |
7D - 11am | 7H - 1pm |
On the immunisation day:
- Student to arrive at their allocated timeslot
- Students will line up outside 1.5m apart
- Student to wear loose clothing
- All students should attend wearing a face mask
- Scan QR code and hand sanitise on entry
- Parent/Carer can wait in the car for their daughter to return after the vaccination. This is to keep the number of people in the building down to the permitted number according to the COVID-19 regulations.
The consent booklets, which were completed and handed back during Term 1, are currently at the City of Kingston Municipal Building, hence no paperwork is required.
Note: For those families who are arranging COVID-19 vaccinations for their children, there needs to be 7 days between the COVID-19 vaccine and the HPV vaccine. The nurses will be asking each student whether they've had the COVID-19 vaccine or intend to have the vaccine within the seven day period.
For more information contact Kingston City Council Immunisation Team: 9581 4870 Website:
For the remainder of the day year 7 students are encouraged to focus on wellbeing activities which have been promoted by the Health & Physical Education Domain.
Carol Duggan
Assistant Principal.