Principal's message

Dear families
I am aware that there will be some disappointment from families due to the extended lockdown beyond Thursday 2 September. We were hoping to see our students back onsite on Friday but we know that the overarching reason for the extension is to safeguard the health of our students and by extension the community.
Last week was Book Week and our Junior School Leadership team have organised a range of activities for our students to take part in, kicking off today with a Kahoot at lunchtime for our year 7 and 8 students. It never ceases to amaze me the way in which our student leaders continue to unite our students even when we are all online.
Employable Me
Our year 9 careers program is still proceeding whilst we are working remotely. Year 9 students are participating in the “Employable Me” mock job interview program. This is a very worthwhile program. They create a job application with a cover letter and resume for one of two mock job positions, then invited to attend a 1:1 interview with a Career Consultant from the Box Hill Institute Skills and Jobs Centre.
This role play scenario creates the opportunity for students to feel the anticipation of preparing for and turning up for a job interview with someone they have not met before where the interviewers will be asking some typical job interview questions. It’s an invaluable experience that will give our students feedback on what they’ve done well and coaching for improving their prospects in future job interview situations.
Every year our Aerobics teams compete at a State and then National Level. Unfortunately, due to the borders being closed the Aerobics competition has been moved once again to an online forum. The competition has only just commenced and we already have some exciting announcements to make. Three of our year 12 students, Kasey Cutler, India Jones and Hannah Walker were the first of the MGSC entries for the 2021 Aerobics Nationals competition. India placed third and Hannah got the gold medal in a very tough section. I congratulate the students and their coaches for this wonderful achievement. I must also acknowledge the leadership of Tess Molina who has built an incredible support structure to build the capacity of our students in aerobics. The results will be released each Sunday and we will share the updates with you all as they are announced.
CASE Ocean School
MGSC has a strong relationship with CASE through the NASA Space School program.
CASE Ocean School is a new Australian study program providing students with an all-encompassing STEAM experience focusing on marine biology, ocean ecology, cutting-edge research, and technologies. Delivered using real-life content, CASE Ocean School also focuses on building student’s personal leadership and development skills by improving higher order and critical thinking skills.
CASE Ocean School inspires a new generation of leaders and is recommended to all students, especially those with a passion for adventure and looking to kick-start their career with 21st century skills.
There is an online information presentation on Wednesday 8 September at 6pm for students in years 7, 8 or 9 in 2022.
Click here to join the Mentone Girls’ Secondary College expedition:
Take care.
Linda Brown