2021 Making Waves

Artwork submissions
All students are invited to submit their original artwork for consideration for the cover or as a featured image in the 2021 edition of Making Waves, MGSC's yearbook/school magazine. Making Waves is about MGSC's year, the student experience and is distributed to all students from early December.
Works could be a classroom project or an artwork especially created for Making Waves. All media – photography, graphic illustration, paint, ceramic - and all themes or inspiration are welcome. It is not limited to water and or waves. It must be original artwork.
A photo of an original artwork can be provided as your submissions. Arrangements will be made to reproduction of selected artwork to meet the print specifications.
Submissions by email girlseducation@mgsc.vic.edu.au or 09602298@mgsc.vic.edu.au or the Google form previously sent.
** New submission deadline - Extended to Friday 17 September **
There will be more information and reminders for students on our return to onsite learning.
Get creating!
Jane Garrow
Making Waves coordinator