Sport and competition

I was hoping to congratulate all our students and staff coaches on their efforts in competing in the various divisional and regional events that were to held over the past few weeks ranging from the SMR netball round robin events across all our year levels, the Junior and Intermediate AFL regional round robin and the year 8 soccer regional Round Robin. However, that is not the case and alas here we are soldiering on again in our period of remote learning.
On reflection, one of the positives we can take away with us during this time is our ability to become adaptive and resilient at things that may not necessarily go our way or that we have no control over. Yes, remote learning and lockdown is not ideal and doesn’t work for everyone however, we also need to think about how we use this hurdle going forward. How can we be adaptive on the sporting field? How can we continue our journey going forward despite these hurdles? How can our ability to be resilient be helpful in our learning? Think about the strengths and qualities that you have gained during our remote period and where they can be implemented to the benefit of your development over time.
I also remind our students the importance of being physically active in order to look after our own health and wellbeing. As I have noted previously there are a large amount of resources that are targeted towards young people in becoming active as much as possible together with their families. One other way is through the initiative run by School Sport Victoria, the Virtual Cross Country event. This was run last year during lockdown as well with great success. Students can run or walk for a new personal best or for fun and fitness. The main aim is for students to get out and give it a go where every meter run by a student will earn virtual points for their school. More information and submissions can be found here -
I will hopefully be able to share with our school community the rescheduled dates for the Intermediate, year 7 and 8 Round Robins for sports including basketball, table tennis and futsal once they are confirmed.
Stay positive team MGSC – you’ve got this!
Ilana Parker
House competition and interschool sports coordinator