Junior School news

Thank you to all of the families that scheduled a Parent Teacher Interview with their daughters' teachers over the last few weeks. It was a successful two days or interviews via Webex.
We have sent an email to all students reminding them that with remote learning, it is important that they are spending time AWAY FROM their electronic devices. In between classes and definitely after school, we encourage the students to PUT DOWN their device and try some of the activities emailed to them. Please ask your daughter about what activities she could be doing away from the screen. The Junior School would love to see some images of some of these activities that they manage to do.
The activity suggestions were:
Lunchtime Kahoot
On Tuesday 24 August the Kahoot was “Harry Potter.” It was lovely to see Mrs Witt and Mr Hull join in the Kahoot. They certainly were competitive, but even though Mr Hull had some assistance from his daughter, he couldn’t make it to the leader board.
Congratulations to Vicky Duong (7F - Kenny) for winning the Kahoot, followed by Caitlin Keele (7B - Melba) and Emily Gough (8A - Kenny).
On Tuesday 31 August the theme was “Movies.” Kenny House had a clean sweep for the first three places for this game! Congratulations to Ali Corbett (7A - Kenny) on taking out the win in a close competition, followed by Emily Gough (8A - Kenny) and Courtney Marshall (8D - Kenny). Thanks to everyone who joined in this week.
Keep an eye out in your emails for the next Kahoot - Tuesday 7 September.
Year 7 and 8 Survey
The year 7 and 8 students were sent a google form asking them some questions about remote learning. I thought I would share some of their responses with you below.
Most fun activity during remote learning:
- Olympic Games in PL
- Doing a 'Just Dance' at the start of class
- Food Tech
- Dream holiday planning in French!
- Fitness activities
- Cooking Japanese pancakes at home
- Little games in Google Meets
- Making a theme park for 'Chinese Cinderella' in English
- Kahoots
Many teachers received a “shout out” from the students. Here are just a few:
- I know that online teaching isn’t an easy job for you teachers, but we students really appreciate all that you are doing and have your back. Thank you for helping us through these tough times and supporting us during home learning! (8E)
- Thank you so much to Mr Haines for making the lessons really fun and adding really cool activities to each lesson
- Mrs O'Hara - love your classes let's stay fit, healthy and happy!!
- Ms Erwin - thank you for making science fun, i enjoy the class and I'm always excited to come to class
- Thank you so much to Miss Fisher who always checks in on our wellbeing and is very supportive and kind
- Thank you very much to Miss Scaramozzino who has been very helpful, amazing and kind in all our classes
- Miss Witt for always being there for the students, and helping me get over the stress of home learning!
- Thanks to Miss Sharpe and Miss Reinhardt as they are always so prepared and are very kind and caring towards us and always make lessons fun and enjoyable, I always look forward to their lessons
- I would love to thank Ms Dixon for her hard work that she puts into our PE lessons
Keep a look out!
Students will have started to receive a little surprise in the mail. We know that the students are really feeling this current lockdown so wanted to send them a little “pick me up.” We hope the students appreciate this little something! Sit back, put your feet up and enjoy.
A big thank you to Fiona, Sue and Marcie who helped make this happen. They spent the morning at school on Monday to purchase, collate and send these 'pick-me-up' gifts. We could not have done this without you.
Thank you to Fyna Foods who donated 400 packets of Wizz Fizz for these little packages.
Did you know that they make 11,700,00 Wizz Fizz Sherbet Sachets per year, which is approximately 147 tonnes!
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School