Learning & Teaching

Holiday Recounts


On the holidays I got Taylor Swift tickets and I screamed and yelled! (Eve S Prep CB)


On the holidays I went to Anglesea. I went to the tennis courts. I went to Bounce. (Matthew M Prep MW)


On the holidays I went to New Zealand with my mum and my dad. I lost my tooth. I went on a plane. (Eliza W Prep CB)


Raf D (2EO)
Raf D (2EO)


On the holidays I went to Glowzone with Team Kids and the Educators. First we got on the bus. I sat with a teacher and we played the rainbow car game. Then we walked into Glowzone and went upstairs. Next we ate popcorn and waited for the other Team Kids school to come. While we waited we played wink wink murder but the other Team Kids came straight away. After that we ran downstairs and went to the soccer session and I scored a goal and we were glowing. Next we went to basketball and the balls were glowing. In basketball we dribbled the ball and shot it. Then we went to the footy. My friend George has been waiting for footy because it's his favourite. I scored some goals. It was fun. After that we played spike ball. Spike ball is when you have to keep the ball off the floor and you have to bounce the ball on the trampoline. Next we played limbo. It was very fun and one time I went through with George. Finally, we went upstairs and got our water bottles and got on the bus. This time I sat with George. I loved Glowzone. I want to go again but I want to wear more pink, white, blue and lime green colours because they are the colours that glow. (Helena G 2EO)


On the holidays I went to Jan Juc. It was a 2 hour drive. We stayed with my friend Sophia. She has a holiday house in Jan Juc. Firstly, we drove to Jan Juc. It was a boring drive but we got there. Next, we arrived and I unpacked until my mum said, "Amalia you don't need to unpack now." When we got inside, Sophia said, "Do you want to build a tower?" I said, "Sure." Then, we watched a movie called, 'The Little Rascals.' At the movie, we went out for dinner. It was really good. We got ice cream for dessert. My flavour was bubblegum. Finally, we started another movie but we got tired and went to bed. (Amalia K 3GR)


In the school holidays, I had a sleepover with Polly. First, I picked Polly up from her house. Next, we went to the Library and played Snakes and Ladders. I won the first game. Then we went to get ice-cream. It was so good. After ice-cream we went to the park. Lastly, Polly and I had dinner and stayed up until 9:00. After a while we went to bed. (Isabella T 3GR)


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