Academic Excellence 

 Academic Excellence News and Australian Geography Competition

Year 7 – 9 Academic Excellence Program

In Term 2, our Academic Excellence students have been enthusiastically learning about what makes a successful team. Having shared goals, good communication and being supportive are just a few of the ideas that the students thought of.


Students also began the topic of Philosophy, that is, to question assumptions we make about our lives and really dig into the details of why we think what we think and how we choose to act. It was a strange concept for them to be able to give their thoughts on a situation without there being one correct answer. They visited a version of “The Trolley problem” where they must choose to save one old lady or five young people. Lots of interesting conversations came out of that.


After students attended the Tournament of Minds workshop, we jumped straight into a project. The students chose the Magpie Alert challenge where they had to design an anti-magpie swooping device and present it in a creative way. In the short time that students had to complete the challenge they did a fabulous job and should be commended on their effort.


At a recent assembly, the students were awarded their Academic Excellence badges. I hope they wear them with pride.

Next term the Academic Excellence students will start the new semester at a hectic pace as we begin Tournament of Minds. We wish them every success!

Australian Geography Competition

Earlier this term about 120 students from Year 8-12 were invited to participate in the Australian Geography competition, competing against over 70,000 students from around Australia. We are expecting the results and certificates to come through in July but I have already been informed about one fantastic result. 


Each year the top two Year 11 students from each state and territory are invited to participate in The Big Week Out. It is a five-day event to be held in Darwin, which focuses on fieldwork, spatial technologies and analytical skills. From there four students will be chosen to represent Australia in the annual International Geography Olympiad in Dublin, Ireland in 2024.


We are lucky enough to have one of the top two students in WA right here at St Norbert College. She is also ranked in the top 16 in Australia. 


Congratulations Rutvi Amin, on your fantastic effort in the Geography competition. What an awesome achievement and a great opportunity for you! Enjoy your time in Darwin and good luck in being selected in the international team too.

The Best Australian Yarn 2023 – Short story competition

Everyone has a story to tell. You can share yours in this short story competition for published and unpublished writers. It doesn't have to be long - just 1000 to 2500 words. There are cash prizes to be won. Anyone over the age of 12 can enter. Entries close August 1, 2023. For more information goto


Mrs L Cardenia

(Academic Excellence Coordinator

Mathematics Teacher)