Deputy Principals

Mr Peter Hawke , Mr Rod Dowling, Ms Carrol Abel

Semester Reports

Semester One Reports have now been uploaded to SEQTA.  This report provides students and parents an opportunity to reflect upon student progress and to consider what adjustments can be made to improve performance. The report also indicates whether teachers would like to meet with families at the Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews next term. We encourage all students to use this valuable feedback as an opportunity to reflect upon their Semester One performance and to set goals that would enable further academic improvement next semester. 


Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews

Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews will take place on Tuesday, 18 July between 12.00pm and 7.00pm. These interviews will standard face-to-face interviews and will involve all students across Year 7 to Year 12. This day is a Home Study Day, so students do not attend school but should accompany their parents for interviews in their full College Winter Uniform. Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews provide parents with an important opportunity to discuss student progress in more detail with subject teachers. In some cases, teachers have requested an interview on the Report. In these situations, it is important that every effort is made to meet with the subject teachers so that positive actions can be put in place to improve student progress. 


The College uses Edval Interviews to book Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews. Parents/Primary Care Givers have already received an email instructing them how to access Edval Interviews. The email will also provide parents with a unique log-in code as well as a link to the online booking system. Interview length will be eight minutes with two minutes being allocated for parent movement between teachers. Bookings close at 9.00am on Monday, 17 July. It is important that parents access Edval Interviews as subject teachers, pastoral leaders and Deputy Principals often request additional parent interviews after reviewing the finalised reports.


On the day of the interviews, each teacher will have 36 interview slots available for parents. However, a standard classroom teacher teaches over 100 students across all of their classes – for some teachers that number is closer to 150. It is for this reason that we have restricted interviews to one slot per teacher per student. To help with this, please ensure you only book ONE timeslot with your child’s teacher, even if they teach your child in multiple subjects. If you are unable to secure a timeslot during this round of Parent-Student-Teacher interviews, you may contact the relevant teacher(s) directly via email to arrange a conversation on another date.


For any parent for whom English is not their original language, the College supports the decision to invite a friend or family member to the interviews to provide interpreting assistance. If you have any difficulties accessing Edval Interviews, please contact the College in the second week of the school holidays. Please note that the College Administration is closed during the first week of the holidays.


Subject Selection Online

Subject Selection Online (SSO) is now open to Year 10 and Year 11 students for them to begin making choices about their subjects and pathways for 2024. Students have been sent a link along with instructions on how to access SSO. Students need to be mindful of the Minimum Entry Requirements for those courses that they are interested in studying as students will not be allowed to automatically select subjects for which they have failed to make the prerequisite requirement. Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be given the opportunity through SSO to select their elective subjects early in Term Three.


Parent Committee: Save The Date:

On Friday, 8 September the St Norbert College Parent Committee will be hosting the annual Breakfast, to Celebrate our Dad's. This will be a celebration of all fathers, grandparents and male role models in the life of our students. More details about this event will be made available in early Term Three. The Parent Committee will also be hosting another Parent Seminar in Term Three. Stay tuned for more details.


Mr P Hawke 

(Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12)


Homework Habits & Study Skills 

A workshop for Year 11 and 12 students (ATAR & Vocational) will be held at the College (Room C2) on Thursday 6 July from 10:00am to 12:30pm. The workshop will cover:

  • Time management techniques
  • Task management and organisation
  • Productivity hacks and apps
  • Study skills & techniques
  • Goal setting

Students must RSVP through Student Services by Friday June 20 if they will be attending the workshop.


Subject Selections (Year 12, 2024)

A meeting was held with all current Year 11 students on Monday to commence the process for subject selections for next year. Students should now be able to access Subject Selections Online and should note the following reminders:

  1. Students are NOT able to select a subject for Year 12 where the Minimum Entry Requirement (MER) has not yet been achieved. For ATAR courses this is typically an achievement of a course mark of 55% ('C' grade as the minimum).
  2. Some General/Vocational classes also have an MER.​
  3. Where a student has not yet achieved the MER in one course, then a request may be made to the Head of Learning Area for course approval.
  4. Where a student has not yet achieved the MER in multiple courses, there may be a recommendation made to consider a change of course(s) or pathway.
  5. The closing date for SSO is: Monday 24 July 2023 (Week 3.2)​.


Additional pathways

In 2024, the College is exploring the option to offer additional pathways for industry training or university preparation – ATAR Pathway D. This pathway will include the following:

  • Students may undertake less than four ATAR courses although, they will not receive an ATAR.
  • Students must commit to completing ALL examinations for their selected ATAR courses, including the final course exam as set by the authority (SCSA).
  • Students may apply to attend TAFE courses or University Preparation courses on one day during the week – This will occur on a Friday only and there will be limitations to the options available​.
  • Students must attend the next available Assessment Catch-up session for any missed assessments​.
  • Enrolment in this pathway is by agreement only and will require an appointment with both the Deputy Principal, Mr Rod Dowling AND the Head of Careers​, Mrs Karen Gonsalves.

Additionally, Vocational Pathway B will now include Industry experience (Work experience with Career & Enterprise OR Industry training), (One day TAFE course or University Preparation Course​ – Limited options available)​.


Predicted ATAR

The predicted ATAR is a tool generated by the College and is designed to assist students with tracking their academic progress towards the achievement of the ATAR. The College uses a school-based moderated calculation, determined from a combination of the course marks and most recent examination marks. These combined marks are moderated against the historical scaling for each particular ATAR course at St Norbert College.

The predicted ATAR should only to be used to gain an understanding of the impact that scaling may have on the calculation of a student’s ATAR at the end of Year 12, and is only recommended for tracking academic improvement and reviewing goals.​

The predicted ATAR is not an indication of a student’s final ATAR and should only be used to show areas for improvement. Students currently enrolled in the ATAR pathway will receive a letter with their current predicted ATAR from their Semester One results.


Mr R Dowling

(Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11)


Family Calendar

A Family Calendar for Term 3 will be uploaded into SEQTA during the holidays.


Term 3 commences on Wednesday 19 July and concludes on Wednesday 20 September (Year 12 students) and Thursday 21 September (all students Years 7-11)


Pupil Free Days - Term 3: 

  • Thursday 10 August & Friday 11 August

Inter-House Athletics Carnival

  • Wednesday 9 August


Year 10 Academic Pathways and Subject Selection for 2024

Thank you to the Year 10 students and parents who joined Mrs Gonsalves, Mr D’Souza, Mrs Markich and Miss Abel for the online Academic Pathways and Subject Selection Information Evening on Wednesday. If you were unable to attend online, please find the presentation in the Microsoft Team for Year 10 - Graduating Class for 2025. A reminder that the closing date for SSO is Friday 28 July 2023 (Week 3.2) and the Year 10 Course Counselling Interviews are on Monday 31 July (Week 3.3). Parents and students have been sent an email with details regarding the interviews.


Miss C Abel

(Deputy Principal – Years 7 & 10)