Climate Canon

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of June and aims at raising awareness and celebrating environmental action. This year’s theme is “Solutions to Plastic Pollution” and the Climate Canons promoted the hashtag #BeatPlasticPollution. On Wednesday 7 June, the College observed World Environment Day with a bingo quiz to engage students about the world around them. We encourage students to keep using the Containers for Change bins properly and we thank all students who got involved in the event and help fight against plastic pollution.

World Oceans day
World Environment Day
World Oceans day
World Environment Day

World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is celebrated on 8 June each year. On World Oceans Day we raise awareness about ending overfishing and protecting our oceans. Our ocean needs protection because our ocean covers 70% of the planet and supports life as we know it; every second breath we take comes from the ocean; our ocean feeds billions of people; and our ocean hosts 80% of the world’s biodiversity. The Climate Canons observed World Oceans Day on Monday 12 June with a fishing game quiz which engaged students in facts about our ocean and how to protect it. Much fun was had by all who attended and thank you for getting involved.


Miss D Pisconeri

(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher (Geography)

Climate Canons Co-ordinator)