Choir News

Congratulations goes to our Senior choir on their gold trophy for 2nd place in the Sydney Catholic Schools Eisteddfod with 93 points - I am very proud of their performance and wish to share the adjudicator’s  report -


A strong start with great confidence 

Singing parts were complex and very well differentiated 

Movement was very impressive 

Modulation was well managed by everyone 

Text projection was excellent 

A perfect song  choice

This was a terrific performance of a piece that showed off the strong talents of the group 

Congratulations! Wonderful work!

This ensemble is a real credit to their school-I loved it today!

93 points 


Simon Kenway


(A past chorus director for Opera Australia)


Thank you for supporting your child to be part of our Senior choir.


Kindest regards 

Katherine Cassidy 

Choir teacher