Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti 


SPBL (School Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning)

Dear Parents,


St. Francis Xavier Catholic School follows the School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SPBL) program. This program has been in the school for several years.


SPBL is a comprehensive approach to creating a positive and inclusive school environment that fosters the social, emotional, and behavioural well-being of all students. At St. Francis Xavier, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment where every child can thrive, and SPBL plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.


Here are some key aspects of School-wide Positive Behaviour Support:

  • Clear Expectations: Clear and consistent behaviour throughout the school. These expectations are explicitly taught to the students, emphasising positive behaviours and character traits such as respect, responsibility, safety, and being a learner.
  • Proactive Teaching: Staff use proactive teaching strategies to help students understand and practice positive behaviours. Regular discussions, role-playing, and interactive lessons ensure students have the skills and knowledge to make positive choices in different situations.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Recognising and reinforcing positive behaviours. Staff actively acknowledge and celebrate students who demonstrate positive behaviour through verbal praise, merit certificates, class prizes or other forms of recognition. 
  • Collaboration and Family Involvement: SPBL is a collaborative effort that involves the school community. Regular communication between home and school ensures a partnership between home and school.

Below are some SPBL-focused activities and routines that you might like to try at home.

Thank you for your continued support.



Nick Criniti 
