Student Representative Council

As mentioned in the last newsletter, the SRC is asking the SFX community to support the St Vinnies Winter Appeal. We request that each grade bring along the items assigned and hand them to their class teacher.  Scarves, beanies, socks & gloves are very much needed by the many people who do not have the comfort of a warm room.


Please make sure the items are new and in good condition. We require items at school by Friday, 23rd June 2023.


The SRC, Serviam and Pope Francis Award students will sort the items and present these to a member of the St Vincent de Paul Society who will be visiting the school in the week beginning 26th June 2023. 


Below is the list of items for each grade:

Kindergarten - Gloves

Year 1 - Scarves

Year 2 - Beanies

Year 3 - Warm socks 

Year 4 - Scarves

Year 5 - Gloves

Year 5/6 - Beanies

Year 6 - Warm socks






Let us live out our school motto - SERVIAM - ‘I will serve’ together.