Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (Acting)

Dear Parents,


Next week, we will be releasing the parent-teacher interview times. These interviews

provide a valuable chance for you to meet with your child's teacher and gain insight into their progress and overall performance throughout the term. It is an excellent opportunity to celebrate your child’s successes, concerns and ask questions about your child's educational journey.

We understand the significance of these interviews in establishing a strong partnership between parents and teachers. By working together, we can ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. It allows us to share valuable information, exchange feedback, and collaborate on strategies to support your child's academic development.

Student reports will be released on Friday, 23rd June 2023, at 3:30 pm. These reports will provide you with a comprehensive overview of your child's progress. We encourage you to take the time to review the report before attending the parent-teacher interviews, as this will enable you to engage in a more meaningful and productive discussion.

To make the most of these interviews, we recommend coming prepared with any questions or concerns you may have. It is also helpful to reflect on your child's strengths and areas where they may need additional support. 


Next week Stage Three will be attending their overnight excursion to Bathurst. It's an excellent chance for the students to immerse themselves in hands-on learning experiences and better understand the gold rush. They also participate in interactive activities that allow them to try their hand at gold panning and other related tasks.


In the next newsletter, the dates for Term Three will be included for you to add to your calendar. These will also be in the Compass calendar.


Please support us in ensuring your child wears the full winter uniform. Beanies are not part of the uniform and are not to be worn to school. All students are required to wear their school hat. Additionally, students are to wear the school jacket and are permitted to wear puffer jackets when outside. These puffer jackets are to be in either green or black.


For accessories like gloves and scarves, students can wear them on the playground. These accessories also need to be in green or black. Once in the classrooms, the accessories are to be placed in their bags. Boys shirts need to be tucked in and a school tie needs to be worn.


Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to your child's education.

First Eucharist

Congratulations to the remaining year three students who will receive First Eucharist this weekend.

This sacrament is a significant milestone in their spiritual journey and a moment of great joy and celebration for our school, their families, and the entire parish. The students have been learning about the importance and meaning of the Eucharist, deepening their understanding of the body and blood of Christ and how it nourishes our faith and strengthens our relationship with God.


Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with us. 


Kind Regards,

Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)