Teaching & Learning

Calling all Former SOC Students!

Interested in joining our Alumni Community? We would love to hear what our former SOC students are up to! Fill out the following online form: https://forms.office.com/r/JakrRiSTFm if you are interested in sharing! 

Altitude Day: Unlocking Your Potential Conference

Fifteen of our YR9 students were selected to attend the 2023 Altitude Day - Unlocking Your Potential Conference, which was held on Tuesday, May 30th. 


This event, organized by yLead, is a highly regarded annual conference taking place across Australia. It offers a remarkable opportunity for students to develop leadership skills and unlock their true potential.

The Altitude Day Conference is designed to empower young leaders by providing a platform to learn, grow, and connect with fellow students from all over the state. The event featured an exciting line-up of guest speakers, engaging learning exercises, and invaluable networking opportunities. By participating in this conference, our YR9 students gained a wealth of knowledge and experiences that will enhance both their personal and professional development.

During the conference, students had the chance to listen to inspiring and accomplished individuals who shared their leadership journeys, insights, and success stories. These speakers offered valuable advice and perspectives that can guide students on their leadership path. Additionally, the learning exercises and interactive sessions enabled engagement in practical activities, and opportunities to collaborate with other students and apply self-learning in a hands-on setting.


One of the most significant benefits of attending this conference was the opportunity to meet and interact with students from various backgrounds across the state. The chance to network and build connections with other young leaders can be invaluable for our students' future endeavours. The Conference allowed students to exchange ideas, share experiences, and potentially form long-lasting friendships and partnerships.


Attending the Altitude Day Conference was a privilege for students and teachers. Schools were represented with the utmost respect, responsibility, and enthusiasm. Our YR9 group of selected students were ambassadors of our school, and their conduct reflected the Year 9 cohort.

In conclusion, the 2023 Altitude Day - Unlocking Your Potential Conference was an incredible opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills, expand their knowledge, and connect with like-minded individuals. We do not doubt that this experience will leave a lasting impact on their personal growth and inspire them and all YR9s to achieve great things. 

Opportunities and challenges await to be embraced by all students. 

A big 'Thank You' to Andrew Leap for organising the event.









Phyllis Dimakakos 

Year 9 Level Leader

Performing Arts Carnival

We are thrilled to share the extraordinary success of our first-ever Performing Arts Carnival, an event that showcased the incredible talent, creativity, and passion within our school community. Our four houses, Banksia, Acacia, Grevillea, and Waratah came together today, June 23, in a harmonious celebration of drama, karaoke, music, and dance. It was a day filled with wonderful moments and of course, our trademark audience enthusiasm bringing the house down.


The vibrant energy and enthusiasm were palpable as students from all grade levels eagerly participated in the various performing arts activities. From the captivating drama performances that transported us to different worlds, to the mesmerizing karaoke renditions that filled the air with powerful vocals, the talent on display left us in awe.


The musical performances were a particular highlight. Each group took the stage with confidence, delivering outstanding performances that ranged from soul-stirring ballads to foot-tapping beats. The musicians, whether they played instruments or lent their vocal talents displayed exceptional skill and dedication.

The Performing Arts Carnival was not just an occasion to showcase talent, but also a platform for personal growth, self-expression, and the exploration of creativity. It allowed students to step outside their comfort zones, build confidence, and develop invaluable life skills such as collaboration, discipline, and perseverance. As we reflect on this incredible event, it is evident that the Performing Arts have the power to transcend boundaries, unite communities, and ignite the spark of inspiration within each and every one of us. The carnival served as a reminder that our school is a treasure trove of immense talent, waiting to be discovered and celebrated.


We extend our warmest congratulations to all the participants and supporters of our first Performing Arts Carnival. Thank you for making the Performing Arts Carnival a resounding success.


1st Place - Waratah (285 points) 

2nd Place - Acacia (284 points) 

3rd Place - Banksia (281 points) 

4th Place - Grevillea (270 points)









Aidan Prewett

Music Coordinator

Sustainability Week

The week, of 15 – 19 May, was sustainability week at SOC.


Our focus was on recycling and all members of the SOC community were encouraged to recycle, both at home and at school.

During the week the importance of living sustainable lives, and recycling as part of this, was discussed with students. 


Our recycling program includes:

- Recycling of plastic bread tags (the main foyer area)

Recycled bread tags are made into a range of products which then provides the resources to buy wheelchairs for disadvantaged people, mainly in South Africa. 

- Recycling of batteries (adjacent to reception)

SOC has linked with the Planet Ark battery recycling program. https://businessrecycling.com.au/batteries4planetark/

More than 95% of the materials in batteries are recovered for recycling – the steel, copper, and aluminium are returned to the manufacturing sector to be recycled, while the remaining 'energy metals' are turned into new lithium-ion batteries. Recycling ensures the dangerous materials in batteries don't enter our environment.

- Recycling Mobile phones

SOC has linked with the Mobile Muster recycling program. 


Through recycling, MobileMuster transforms the components from mobile phone waste into valuable materials for reuse. It means that fewer raw materials need to be extracted and processed to make new products. By recycling your mobile phone today, you will be helping reduce the impact on the environment of tomorrow.

As part of sustainability week, students picked olives from the school olive grove. The olives were delivered to 'The corner store network,' a community organisation raising awareness about climate change.










Alison Jones

Sustainability Club

SOC Internal Chess Tournament 2023

The South Oakleigh College Chess Club organised their first internal school Chess competition with a large number of contenders, both amateurs and pros, competing. 


Aditya Kovvuru and Jonathan Blyth, as avid external players not only did most of the organising but also the poster making, emailing participants and eventually smoothly and efficiently conducting the tournament on the day.

The tournament consisted of 5 rounds of rotation to conclude with the Top 5 players of the day!!


Our students/participants exhibited all our school values particularly "respect" for each other and having a great "team spirit" whilst contributing to a positive chess community, encouraging fair play, sportsmanship and camaraderie amongst each other. 

Thanks for participating SOC students; you all played like real professionals and showed true Chess etiquette. Who knows, you could be the next world champion! 









Nancy Bastakos 

Library Manager

Year 7 Drama: Puppetry 

This term, year 7 students did a puppetry unit in drama, using handmade puppets, made by our Arts leader Peta Close. Students had to create a comical skit/play using the puppets and they performed and filmed them in the film studio. One student, Xander Beauchamp, decides to make his own puppet at home to use for his play.


Everyone, meet Jacques!

"My name is Jacques, and I am 147cm. I am a 10-star restaurant owner (That I manage on my own might I add). My hobbies are cooking, baking and making food. My favourite food is bluefin tuna sushi. I have German / English origins, and I make beautiful art using food".









Sara Neep

Drama Teacher

Year 7 Accelerated English 

The hardworking Year 7 Accelerated English class have enjoyed a productive term. The students have successfully completed units of work covering the art of Short Story writing, writing reviews, learning how to plan and write a text response essay, and collaborating to create a very impressive study guide for Andy Mulligan's novel Trash. 


Earlier in the term the class combined with the Year 8, 9 and 10 accelerated English classes to attend the Melbourne Writer's Festival at the State Library, which was a definite highlight for both students and teachers. It has been fantastic to watch this group of students grow more curious, more analytical, and more confident to share their creativity as the semester has progressed. 

I look forward to Semester 2 and the fun and engaging activities we have in store. Students can look forward to writing, presenting and filming their own Ted Talks in our TV studio, crafting their first text response essay, and working on a group project that will challenge their creativity and communication skills. 








Kerryn Hoernel 

Year Level Leader: 7

Asia Tech x Singapore 2023

I was fortunate to be attending the Asia Tech X Singapore Conference. It was a three-day technology conference from tech giants to pioneering start-ups, the exhibition truly showcased all that is exciting in the world of tech, telecoms, and the latest innovations in the world of tech, telecoms, satellite, broadcasting and media!

One thing I found interesting is how much AI is changing the way technology is going to be framed, for example, recording of sporting games can be done with three 4k cameras and can be tracking the sporting stats of each player via the number on their back, Then after the game, AI can cut down to a two-minute highlight package just from the data entered into AI of player stats, crowd noise and goals, all within minutes of the game finishing.


The three-day event was attended by 13,000 attendees, and we have got some great connections, equipment and ideas to bring into our TV studio for the future.








Philip Clark 

Audio Visual Assistant / Theatre Manager


Every year, NAIDOC week is observed during the first week of July. NAIDOC week is an opportunity to celebrate the histories, cultures and achievements of the First Nations people of this country. 

As it fell during the school holidays this year, at South Oakleigh College we extended the celebrations into the last week of term! Students decorated posters at lunchtime, created poetry exploring life on Wurundjeri and Boon Wurrung Country in Mentor Group using elements of the Woi Wurrung language and participated in a walking tour of the native plants throughout our school. 


All week, we celebrated and reflected on how grateful we are to share this land.








Jessie Matheson

Classroom Teacher

Debating News

Yr 7-8 Debating Club

In Debating Club this term, the Junior debaters have been recruiting new members. 

The Debating Club has enjoyed doing 'line debating' this term, in which a topic will be written on the board and opposing teams will sit on opposing sides and debate, swapping opponents for each new topic.

If this sounds fun to you, the Junior Debating Team are still looking for even more members, so come along to C6 on Thursday at lunchtime.

No debating experience is required, and all debates are held with respect and friendliness towards fellow debaters.

Participation in the Interschool Debating Competition is not mandatory, but sign-ups will open at the start of next term, so keep an eye on Compass if you would like to participate.

Yr 9-10 Debating Club

In Debating Club this term, our Year 10 and 12 Competition Teams have been working hard to predict what our "secret topics" would be.

Secret topics are debating topics that get released one hour before the debating competition. Our debating teams then have one hour, without the assistance of technology, to strategise their arguments. 

Debating Competition highlights from Semester 1:

Ana Donnellon (Yr 10) and Sophia Donnellon (Yr 12) got the 'best speaker' for their Round 2 debates on March 23rd. 


Our Year 10s Anna Alexopoulou, Isavella Dimopoulos and JJ Syer secured a win for South Oakleigh College at the Round 3 debates on May 11th. Well done to Isavella Dimopoulos for demonstrating high expectations consistently in her preparation for Secret and Advised topics.


Our Year 12s A.J. Mariona, Jules Dolma and Sophia Donnellon won their Round 4 debate on June 22nd. A special thanks to Mollie Pham and JJ Syer for helping them prepare their arguments in the 'Secret Topic Preparation Room'.








Sarah Crespo-Liu

Banksia House Leader