Leading Teachers Report 

Junior School Report

A well-earned break is on the horizon for our Junior School students after another busy term. From academic pursuits to representing the College on the sporting field it has been pleasing to see so many of our students immersing themselves in all the opportunities our school provides. The cast and crew of our College production are well into their rehearsals and I can't wait to see the amazing show they will put on in Term 3.


I would like to congratulate our Year 7 and 8 students for their conduct throughout the recent Semester 1 exam period. For our Year 7 students this was their first taste of how to prepare and then undertake exams. Your child will have received their results and feedback in the subjects of English, Maths, Science and Humanities. These results will also appear on the Semester reports which will be available for students and parents on Friday. I encourage you to take some time and discuss your child's report with them and set some goals for Semester 2.


I wish all of our College community a safe and restful break where we all take some time to recharge the batteries and then hit the ground running for the start of Term 3.








George Tzimourtas 

Director of Students: Junior School

Senior School Report

Congratulations to all VCE students on successfully completing one unit of your studies! This milestone represents your commitment, hard work, and perseverance throughout the course. By reaching this point, you have demonstrated your ability to navigate through a challenging curriculum, engage with complex concepts, and overcome obstacles along the way. Your dedication and determination have paid off, and you should be proud of your accomplishment. This achievement is a testament to your resilience and serves as a stepping stone towards your future academic endeavours. Keep up the excellent work and continue to strive for excellence as you progress in your VCE journey. Well done!


Some Advice for the rest of the year.

Taking the time to celebrate and acknowledge our successes is essential for maintaining motivation and building a positive mindset. Celebrating success doesn't just mean recognizing major achievements; it's about appreciating the progress made, no matter how small. Whether it's reaching a milestone in a challenging subject, consistently dedicating time to study, or improving exam scores, every accomplishment deserves celebration. By celebrating success, we cultivate a sense of accomplishment, boost self-confidence, and reinforce the belief that hard work and dedication yield positive outcomes. 


So, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along your academic journey.


Establishing healthy revision routines is crucial for effective learning and optimal performance during exams. Maintaining a balance between study and rest is key. Adequate sleep, nutrition, and physical exercise are essential for the brain's optimal functioning, memory consolidation, and overall well-being. Incorporate regular breaks into your study schedule to avoid burnout and maintain focus. Additionally, set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and create a study environment that is free from distractions. By adopting healthy revision routines, you can enhance your productivity, improve information retention, and better manage stress, leading to more effective exam preparation.


Practice exams play a vital role in exam preparation as they provide a simulated exam experience and allow students to assess their readiness. By completing practice exams, you become familiar with the format, timing, and types of questions that may appear in the actual exams. These exams help you identify areas of strength and weakness, enabling you to focus your revision efforts on the topics that need improvement. Additionally, practice exams enhance your time management skills, build confidence, and reduce anxiety by increasing your familiarity and comfort with exam conditions. Regularly completing practice exams not only improves your exam performance but also enables you to refine your exam strategies and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


Winter Revision Programs

Revision programs offer several benefits that can greatly enhance a student's academic performance and exam preparation. Here are some key advantages of participating in revision programs:


Structured and Focused Approach: Revision programs provide a structured and organized approach to studying, ensuring that students cover all the necessary content within a specific timeframe. These programs are designed by experienced educators who understand the exam requirements and focus on the key topics and concepts that are likely to be tested.


Exam Technique Mastery: One of the crucial aspects of exam success is understanding how to approach different types of questions and manage time effectively. Revision programs often incorporate exam-specific techniques, such as time management strategies, essay writing skills, problem-solving approaches, and critical thinking methods. Students learn these techniques and practice applying them to improve their performance during exams.


Targeted Practice and Feedback: Revision programs often include practice exams and assignments, allowing students to apply their knowledge in a simulated exam environment. These assessments provide valuable feedback, highlighting strengths and weaknesses, enabling students to identify areas that require further improvement. By addressing these areas and receiving constructive feedback, students can refine their skills and boost their confidence.


✨ TSFX Winter School Program (https://www.tsfx.edu.au/winter-school/):


TSFX's Winter School program offers an array of subject-specific seminars and workshops, providing intensive revision and exam preparation. Key features of the TSFX program include:


📚 Subject-Specific Seminars: Choose from a wide range of subjects, including English, Maths, Sciences, Humanities, and Languages. Experienced VCE teachers and examiners will deliver in-depth revision, exam techniques, and insights into marking criteria.


📖 Comprehensive Study Notes: Each seminar includes comprehensive study notes that cover key concepts, strategies, and practice questions. These resources will be valuable in reinforcing your understanding of the subjects.


💡 Exam Skills Workshops: Develop essential exam skills such as time management, essay writing, problem-solving techniques, and critical thinking through interactive workshops designed to boost your performance in exams.


🖥️ Online Access: Access online resources including video recordings of the seminars, study notes, and additional practice materials, allowing you to revisit the content and further consolidate your knowledge.


✨ TSSM VCE Winter School Program (https://www.tssm.com.au/vceprograms.aspx):


TSSM's Winter School program focuses on intensive exam preparation and content revision across various VCE subjects. Key highlights of the TSSM program include:


🎓 Subject-Specific Lectures: Engage in subject-specific lectures covering English, Maths, Sciences, Business Management, Psychology, and more. Experienced VCE teachers and exam assessors will deliver key content and provide exam techniques and strategies for success.


📝 Practice Exams and Marking: Sit mock exams, which will be marked and returned to you with comprehensive feedback. This invaluable experience will help you gauge your performance and identify areas for improvement.


🎯 Small Group Tutorials: Benefit from small group tutorials that provide you with personalized attention, allowing you to ask questions, clarify concepts, and receive tailored guidance.


📚 Comprehensive Study Materials: Access detailed notes, practice questions, and sample exam papers that will complement your revision efforts and strengthen your grasp of the subject matter.


🌟 ATAR Notes Lectures (https://atarnotes.com/lectures):


In addition to the programs mentioned above, ATAR Notes offers lectures delivered by high-achieving VCE graduates. These lectures provide insights, study tips, and strategies for success across various VCE subjects. Attending these lectures can broaden your understanding and equip you with effective study techniques.


🔑 Obtaining a Unique Student Identifier (USI) (https://www.usi.gov.au/students/get-a-usi):


We would also like to remind you about the importance of obtaining a USI, a unique identifier that enhances your educational profile. A USI is required for all students undertaking nationally recognized training in Australia and is required for entry into University and TAFE .

To obtain a USI, simply visit the USI website (https://www.usi.gov.au/students/get-a-usi) and follow the registration process. Remember to keep your USI in a safe place for future reference.









Grace Terdich

Director of Students: Senior School