Student Wellbeing
This year in the wellbeing space, our school continues to focus on:
- Building teacher capability to activate student voice and agency within the classroom
- Reducing the % of students with 20+ days absence from 39% in 2019 to 25% in 2024.
- Embedding a whole-school approach to the development of the social and emotional wellbeing of students
- Developing and implementing strategies that involve parents and carers as partners in their child’s learning
Parent Seminars
Thank you for supporting our recent parent information seminars offered by Triple P Parenting. We were very grateful that our school was asked to host two great events; further equipping our parents and other members of our Echuca Moama community with strategies and information that support our wonderful young people. If there is anything that you'd be interested in learning more about, please let us know and we can start planning for these events in 2024.
Social Emotional Learning Groups
Next term, students who qualify using our data system, will have the opportunity to engage in small targeted social emotional learning groups each week. If your child qualifies for the program, you will receive notification via the Dojo messaging system.
The wellbeing team along with our ES staff will be offering Highway Heroes that will be focusing on Grit and Determination, Emotional Regulation, Connecting for Friendships, Strategies for Managing Me, Sticking Up for Me and Getting things Done. We look forward to launching these small groups again next term.
Playgroup continues to be a highlight of our fortnight with many families still braving the cold and rainy weather to attend our sessions. We will now have a break over the holidays and playgroup with resume next in term 3. Our next playgroup session will be Wednesday the 20th of July from 9:00am until 10:30am and every fortnight after than until the September holidays.
School Attendance
School attendance continues to remain front and centre of our 2023 key improvement strategy. Our overall school attendance was sitting above 91.5% for this fortnight. Congratulations to 3/4B for the highest level of attendance in the school this fortnight. What a super achievement! Our overall yearly attendance is sitting at 88.3%
Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day. Attending and participating in school will help your child develop:
- important skills and knowledge to help them learn
- social and emotional skills such as good communication, resilience and team work.
Children who attend school every day and complete year 12 have:
- better health
- better job opportunities
- higher income across their lives.
There is no safe number of days for missing school. Every day counts!
Wishing everyone a very restful holiday and we look forward to seeing you all again in term 3.
The Wellbeing Team
Anglicare Early Help Services at ETRS