Principal's message

Start creating your first online newsletter now

New FOCUS format

For the last few years we have been looking for a platform to use that allows for translation of the newsletter. We have looked into many versions and companies and we have decided to use this platform as it is compatible across all devices. We welcome feedback from our community about the ease of use and the successful translation of it's content. 

News from Ms Lawson

Ms Lawson continues to enjoy her long service leave and it has become all the more special for her as she welcomed her first grandchild on Wednesday 7th June. Her new grandson, Jai, is getting lots of cuddles and love from his extended family. We are thrilled for the Lawson family as they get to know the newest member of their family. Congratulations from all of us at PPS!

Student safety in the mornings

As you would all be aware of from Kindergarten Transition, supervision in the playground starts at 9am. The external gates are opened close to 9am so that the grounds and building are secure in the early hours of the morning. 

Mr Archie, our General Assistant, opens the gates on Greenlands Avenue and Bailey Parade (near the kindergarten classrooms). The gate next to the carpark      The main gate is opened by the Office staff. 

Students are discouraged from arriving to school before 9am for their safety. Any students who arrive at the gates before then should be supervised by an adult. 


New Reporting Format





Excursion Permission notes and payment online via School Bytes





Year 6 Cake Stall Fundraiser