Important Updates


On Friday 16th June student reports for Semester Two will be published on Compass. 

The report structure this year has changed compared to previous years and we would like to take this opportunity to provide you with information on what the reports will now look like and why the changes have been made.

Student achievement measured by progression points on a table will remain, as will personal and social comments for the semester.  For each curriculum subject taught there will be a curriculum statement of what has been taught and an assessment of student effort and behaviour.

In previous reports, comments on student progress and future learning of English and Mathematics has been provided in the form of a paragraph.  This semester we have provided the comments in the form of dot points.  This has been introduced to enable students and parents to focus closely on what students can do and their next steps in learning. 


On Tuesday 20th June students and parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss progress so far this year and future goals for the remainder of the year.  It is our hope that this simplified form of report will support discussions made during the conferences.