
Sue Keel - English and Languages Learning Coordinator 


Entering Italian classes takes us on a cultural journey through the geography of Italy, the language they speak and the food they eat. Our wonderful Italian teachers, Mr Sirianni and Mrs De Francesco, have made an effort to make Italian a fun and easy language to learn. They have provided us with fun activities to help us learn, such as famous Italian songs, Italian bingo. Christa Biju and 

Vicenta Mussons Moya, Year 7 Students.


For the past Semester, in the Year 7 Italian class, the students were invited to taste test some native Italian foods and drinks like Chinotto, a bitter type of carbonated soft drink, and Panettone a sweet bread, occasionally served with candied fruits on the inside. The year 7's were also invited to listen to ‘Sabato sera’ a song by Bruno Filippini, and were given a worksheet in which they had to fill in the missing song lyrics. 

Julia Mrukowicz - Year 7


Italian has been quite the experience for me.  It is a great opportunity that I was given to learn a new language. I am really grateful to be able to attend this subject since it develops skills that can be very useful in society. Although Italian can be difficult, I personally enjoy learning it. 


My teacher Mrs De Francesco teaches in an engaging way that is easy to understand. Throughout this Semester, my class has learnt about Italian verbs; we have also learnt about types of shops in Italy.  We have also learned the "Our Father" in Italian, Italian partitives and The Carnevale “Le Maschere di Carnevale”,  which is a grand event held in Venice that was originally celebrated because of the Victory over the Patriarch of Aquileia. 

This Carnevale usually lasts about two to three weeks. During this time, people would wear extraordinary masks and costumes to cover their identity; this allowed all social classes to communicate. Normally higher classes would not associate with lower parts of the hierarchy. 

Overall, the Carnevale is a marvelous event that everyone is allowed to attend.  I hope in the future I will be able to partake in such an event. 

Lei Zhu - Year 8

Italian Taste Testing:

In Italian, my class and I were given the opportunity to taste test foods that originated in Italy. We were also given the option to bring our own Italian foods as well. Some of the foods we ate were gelato, mini almond meringues, biscotti, (little biscuits), and a drink that looked very similar to coke. The flavours of gelato were coffee and lemon lime. Personally, I think the best one was coffee. The drink tasted very nice too; it was almost like cherries, but had a very bitter aftertaste. It was really funny to see everybody’s reaction to the flavours of these new foods and drinks. Overall, it was a really fun experience to test out all these new flavour's and broaden our knowledge of how other countries mix and combine certain flavors into different foods.  Layla Jafary - Year 9.