
Frankie Flanagan - VCE & VCAL Program Coordinator 

Our Senior Students

It has been a significant week for our Senior Students as they approach the end of their Unit 1 and 3 studies. Students are to be congratulated on the way in which they have approached their assessment tasks, deadlines and examinations. They have managed their learning with maturity and deserve to be praised for their diligence.


Year 11 students have completed their first VCE examinations. They are advised to use these as a learning experience. A key strategy that successful students consistently use is to reflect on their own management of assessment tasks.


Students critique how they approached their revision, what worked, how long it took to manage so many subjects and understand why they experienced success and how they received the feedback that there was more work to do. Knowing this information about themselves as learners is vital as they approach their examinations at the end of the year and into next year.


Year 12 students have nearly completed their Unit 3 studies. For many this has meant 



completing a number of assessment tasks and juggling varying demands from each of their subjects.


 As they begin their assault on Unit 4, students are advised to constantly revise their Unit 3 work, attempt practice examination questions which relate to Unit 3 and seek feedback from their teachers, regularly. The upcoming holidays are an excellent opportunity for students to complete an audit on their Unit 3 studies and clarify any content or skills that need refining.


Our VCE Vocational Major students have also been incredibly industrious as they approach the end of their Unit 1 and 3 studies. Their work in the Lantern Café has allowed them to work collaboratively to raise funds for MAD Day. Furthermore, they have been busy creating a promotional video for Year 9 and 10 students who are currently considering their pathways for 2024. 


This video highlights the skills required to complete a VCE in an applied learning setting. We wish our Vocational Major students well in their commitment to participate ‘The Push Up Challenge’ in order to raise awareness.