Music with Emily 

Term 3, 2023

Term 3 Timetable

Music with Emily Term 3 - Fortnightly Rotating Timetable
Week 12/31/2Prep/1 
Week 25/6 A5/6 B4Performance

Class 2/3

Listening to Emily's beating on the drum, students worked in pairs to arrange the notes and then test out their compostion to see if it matched up with Emily's drum beat pattern.


Students then listened to the sounds of the beach in the background while Emily read the book The Seashell Song. This is a music piece class 2/3 are working on for performance.



Prep/1 are working hard on learning a musical performance guided by the Pamela Allen book Is Your Grandmother a Goanna.  




Choir is open for all year levels to join and rehearsals are held each Wednesday during lunchtime. It's great to see so many students from all year levels getting involved.

"Music is a piece of art that goes into the ears, and straight to the heart."