House Report

Cottrell Report
Hey Cottrell!We did it. WE WON CHORALS!! 🏆🏆
A massive CONGRATULATIONS to each and every Cottrellian for their dedication for countless months in the lead-up to chorals. Your spirit, your energy, your drive…it all SHONE that day, and it’s no secret the judges saw it too!! Take a look at the recap of events:
Instrumental soloist:
Yr 9 Cottrellian Luque Agborchi WOWed the crowd with his piano solo. We were all simply amazed at the level of skill and talent he demonstrated!
Vocal soloist:
Yr 11 Cottrellian Keerthana Karthik, simply put, HYPNOTIZED us. Her voice was nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY and was merely an example of the legendary students we have in Cottrell.
Small band:
Cottrell’s band definitely BEAT IT at Chorals! What a performance, countless jaws dropped! The strings, the piano, the guitar solo, the drums fill, the conducting - MASTERPIECES!
Small choir:
Cottrell’s small choir definitely did not GO EASY ON the other choirs. Talk about goosebumps! The blend of voices was MAGICAL! Thank you to Sachiv for the magnificent accompaniment.
Massed Singing
Absolutely no words. It was phenomenal to see all the smiling, shining faces, singing with pride for their house. We had the volume, the enthusiasm, the spirit…we had it all! SUPER PROUD of every Cottrellian for their performance during both Lanterns and I Want It That Way. You really did put all the work you put in during house assemblies into good use.
Of course a MASSIVE THANK YOU is owed to Cottrell’s 2023 Chorals Captain Finlay Maltby, whose tireless efforts in running and planning Chorals led to our sweet victory. All of Cottrell is thankful and super proud to have such a dedicated captain getting us to gold. 💪👏
As house captains, we simply could not be prouder of you all. The comeback we have shown is beyond incredible and really emphasises the strength of Cottrell House. No matter what, we never gave up and never failed to keep our heads up leading us to our MUCH AWAITED DUB! Simply put - if you all hadn’t remained spirited and enthusiastic this year…we would’ve been able to achieve what we did.
You have all by far made us the happiest house captains IN COTTRELL’S HISTORY! The memories we made that day will surely remain with us forever…we wish we could relive the moment of the big reveal - it was FANTASTIC!! The cheers, the screams, the tears, it all just SIMPLY SPECTACULAR. (videos available on the Cottrell instagram account for you to relive the moment - we definitely have!)
We hope every member of Cottrell has relished in the celebration, and has soaked up the WELL-DESERVED 1st place glory. You’ve all earned it! Looking forward, our win puts us at a whopping 2ND PLACE on the house cup leaderboard! THE HOUSE CUP IS IN SIGHT Cottrell! It’s time to really fight our way through this last term’s house competitions. The end goal of the house cup is right there…let’s strive to end 2023 WITH A BANG. But most importantly, cherish the memories you’ve made with your friends along the way!
We’ve said it before but we’ll say it again…the phoenix is #FOREVERRISING 💚
Much love!
Your 2023 super proud house caps Carin (C8) and Nathan (C8)
Rothwell Report
Hey Rothwellians!!!🦅
What a last few weeks it has been for all of us in term 2! The highlight of Term 2 and year is always Chorals and this year did not disappoint! Chorals was a spectacular showcase of the musicianship at SCHS, with each house leaving almost no room for the judges to decide a winner. Unfortunately, it did not play into our hands and we came a valiant second place. A big congratulations to Cottrell for their success in the competition, it was truly deserved👏👏!!! Congratulations also go to Kororoit and Blackwood, the performances were incredible and any house could have honestly won!
Here’s a message from our dedicated chorals captain, Alonso:
Hi, it's the Rothwell chorals captain Alonso here.
What a semester it's been. As the new chorals captain for Rothwell, it was quite an experience, both with the pleasantries and heartaches.
Admittedly I wish we could've gotten first, but literally coming second was a dream come true. I am so grateful for everyone's efforts towards chorals in Rothwell, and if I had to list literally everyone involved, this would become a nine-paragraph long essay. But I will still give a shout-out to those I wanted to appreciate.
To the instrumental band; thanks for putting up with my shenanigans of sheet music and missing people and pulling it through Every Summertime.
To the small choir; thanks for operating so smoothly, and special thanks to Agrima and Charlize for running it as well as it went.
To my mass singing band, who somehow managed to pull everything together at the last second and provided the perfect backing for our house to sing with
To my beloved soloists Jasmine and Charlize; I am so genuinely thankful for all of your efforts. You both were so heavily involved with chorals and organising, and you displayed so much heart and passion in your performances, it was breathtaking (literally, I was struggling to breathe due to my sheer excitement)
And finally, to Rothwell. You guys just blew it out of the park. I know that heading into those final weeks, things were seeming quite frantic and we were not sure how well things would go.
You guys brought literally so much heart (and hopefully it was from my electrifying smiles that pumped all of you guys up), and all of your smiles and joy converted into a hard-fought and well-earned second place.
I am always grateful and proud to be the Rothwell chorals captain of 2023, and mayhaps I will run again?...
To sum up what I have said, I am forever thankful for being the chorals captain of Rothwell and being granted the opportunity I was given. I'll be still involved in everything, but my time is up, and let's go Rothwell.
On that note, we would also like to thank Alonso and the whole Rothwell Chorals team for putting the countless hours to produce 10 out of 10 performances. From the hours sacrificed before school, after school and during snacks and lunches, we can’t put into words how proud we are of your dedication and hard work to make our 2023 Chorals an experience to remember forever👏. Don’t think we forgot the rest of youse as well because you guys absolutely smashed it with mass singing! Being in the auditorium and seeing you guys sing with all your heart and soul couldn’t wipe the joy off our faces and everyone should give themselves a pat on the back! You guys really showed the school what it really meant to be a Rothwellian🦅!
These last few weeks also saw the judging of one of our new house competitions, house art. Tireless weeks of work by Rothwell’s most talented artists came to fruition with a wonderful result as the house placed 1st and 2nd in the panel judging and people’s choice competition, respectively and overall, place Rothwell as the winners of the House Arts Competition🏆!!! Huge shout-outs to our Arts Captain Naz and Initiatives Captain Sid and the Arts team dedicating hours and meetings to create da Vinci-esque masterpieces. You guys have made all of Rothwell proud😁!
Although we are 3rd in overall house points, we are only 15 points behind the leaders Kororoit and we are yet to finalise many of our awaiting wins😉! First, we have picked up a W in the mini house push-up competition and are slightly behind 1st in the overall online SCHS push-up challenge. We are also leading the NFL competition and the only team left undefeated as we head to the final half of the competition. Finally, Rothwell continued to surpass expectations with win after win in VCE sport. Thank you to everyone who’s been participating in the events.
With House Drama, House Chess and House Debating to come in Term 3, everything is still to play for. As we head into the break, remember to enjoy the 2 weeks, you all have deserved a hard-earned break and deserve to have time off to rejuvenate as we head into the new semester. We’re doing amazing, keep up the great work and remember…FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!💪💪💪
Your Rothwell House Captains,
Manya Arya (R9), GiaLuan Joaquin Tchen (R4)
Blackwood Report
Hey Blackwood Knights!
The house competition this semester has been so exciting! We started with a splash, taking the wins for both swimming and the house spirit award! We then took a 3rd at athletics and an impressive 2nd place in house spirit at the athletics carnival. VCE sport is up and running, and it is wonderful to see the effort our students are putting in, representing our house with pride.
We managed to score 1st place in the House Art people’s choice award, which was awesome to see! Of course, with any competition we have had our ups and downs, but we hope that you don’t let disappointments get you down.
Although Chorals this year was not the result we were hoping for, we are so proud of the hard work and dedication you all showed. Our Instrumental Band, Small Choir and soloists all scored extremely highly, and we are so grateful for the hard work they all put in. We couldn’t be more impressed with the effort demonstrated by everyone in Blackwood this year. Our instrumental band had 19 members, and their elite participation alone is amazing. Their performance was challenging and fantastically executed. Our small choir sounded fabulous, and truly impressed everyone. Our soloists also scored very highly, reflecting the hard work they put in! We want to thank every contributor to chorals, including our mass band who arranged their performance almost entirely independently, and absolutely smashed it! We hope that you all take this setback as motivation to work even harder from now on!
Just remember that you have all done so well and we are so proud of you all. We know this year has, at times, been tiring and challenging, (it certainly has been for us) but we are so impressed with all of your efforts, and hope that you are looking forward to some much deserved rest over the holidays.
Look forward to the events ahead Blackwood! Get involved with the push up challenge, house debating and any other challenge you see pop up, because we aren’t out of the race just yet :)
Get keen for the house drama competition too! It is going to be a very exciting event that you won’t want to miss out on, and we hope that you all come along next term to support your house performers!
Don’t forget to put in those values cards, every point counts!
As always, please feel free to reach out to your leaders for whatever you need! We hope that you are looking forward to participating as much as you can for the remainder of the year. We are so proud of your efforts so far, so please take time to rest and recover over the holidays. Semester 2 has a lot in store for us all, with VCE coming close to an end soon, we want you to have the best experience possible! Take your rest and come back ready to do your best :)
Happy holidays Blackwood, we will see you soon!
Your House captains,
Aryius Alves (B1) & Sophie Parnham (B7)
Kororoit Report
Hey Kororoitians! This term has been absolutely jam-packed with house competitions and activities, so let’s hand off to some of our amazing domain captains for more updates!
Music: Joey
Just want to thank you all for your efforts in chorals. It took a lot of lunchtimes and house assembly periods and afterschool rehearsals between the choir, instrumental, soloists and the mass singing, but you guys definitely made it worth it. And to the end, all your endless optimism and enthusiasm never wavered. We may have gotten third this year, but Kororoit will always be first in my heart. So proud of you all :)
Also, there is STILL halfway of the year left to go to maintain our lead in the cup, and there will be many more house events coming up, so don't be afraid to try new things to help our house bring home the win. Go Kororoit!
Sports: Kean
Congrats and thank you for all the hard work you've put in this term! We worked very hard in VCE Basketball and a new event House NFL and I'd like to applaud the amazing effort everyone involved. Unlucky that we didn't make the final for either event but nonetheless, thanks for putting in the work and hope you guys have fun :)
Moving on, our House Cross country was INCREDIBLE (winning by a mile too)! Shout-out to our Year 9 girls for dominating the podium! Otherwise, stay tuned for VCE Netball and upcoming sport events!
Initiatives: Tanisha
We started the term off with the artists in our houses showing off their skills through their beautiful artwork for the House Art competition. This year’s theme was ‘Diversity’ which was encapsulated so well through all the artworks that were displayed during ADT week in Week 5 for everyone to enjoy. All the Kororoitians did an absolutely amazing job with stunning and diverse pieces leading us to come 2nd!! Then came the pushup challenge where 22 brave Kororotians from all 4 year levels participated in doing pushups in the Agora as a team . After a VERY long and tiring 15 minutes, we managed to do an incredible 4500 pushups all together!! Term 3 is filled up with even more exciting events such as chess, debating and Clean Up Cory so stay excited and participate!!
Wellbeing: Ruthi
With many assessments and SACS piling up this term, it sure has taken a mental toll on the students. However our Kororoit students displayed great resilience throughout the term through involving in team activities such as sport as well as chorals. Furthermore, everyone also wrote wonderful supportive messages for IDAHOBIT day. Kororoit can definitely look forward to an increase in wellbeing activities coming up in term 3 including the development of a wellbeing site as well as a no-commitment club being introduced, and also the respectful relationships project. Continue being such a great house and keep up the optimism!
That's all from us, have a restful and safe holidays Kororoit!
Signing off,
The Kororoit Leadership Team