school council

casual working bees

Our fantastic Buildings & Grounds committee is organising causal working bees with physical distancing. These are occurring most weekends, with small areas of the school a focus for the group.  This weekend, the committee is tackling the Sprout garden at 4pm on Saturday, so if you are interested, you should come along!

school council update

Last night School Council met via video conference. These video meetings certainly are beginning to feel like the ‘new normal’, with that said I think we all miss the collaboration that comes from being face to face.


We were thrilled to be able to review Sub Committee reports from every committee; Buildings & Grounds, Community Events Team, Curriculum Committee, Wellbeing & Engagement Committee, Finance Committee and OSHC. I say thrilled because I am so impressed at how regular and efficient all these committees continue to function in a remote environment. Every committee is so focused on doing what it can to support the school, children, teachers and community in these strange times.


You will see a couple of wonderful new initiatives from CET to support community connectedness in the coming days. Please do look out for them, School Council was pleased to support CET with these great ideas.


Some of you may be aware of the Communications Working Party (CWP) and a communications survey which was released a month or more back. The CWP are working through the data from over 120 responses, thank you everyone who responded to the survey. We have a School Council meeting on 21 May, at which meeting the CWP will present; the survey results, some recommendations and a response to be sent to the community. Stay tuned for more information and follow up.


We were pleased to be able to accept the 2019 Annual Report as presented at the School Review last week. This document will be sent to the Department of Education in compliance with their requirements, and a larger version will be made available soon on the website for you to check out.


Please take care, please look after yourselves and please look after those around you. Our thoughts are with everyone.


Yours sincerely


Sam Cohen

School Council President
