Latest Information

Staff Update

Currently, staff from the school are job sharing the Deputy Principal role for the rest of the year (Miss Bolt, Mrs Lamond, Mr Goulter & Mr Sobejko). The Deputy is in charge of the day to day operations of the school and normally the point of contact after a classroom teacher for behaviour or other areas. For ease of contact we will be using from now on this email address: for any specific student discussions.

The usual is still the best general enquiry.


Mr Stevens will be taking leave for week 5 and 6, and will be returning in week 7. We welcome back Mrs Harrison who will be filling the Principal role whilst Mr Stevens is away. We wish Gavin an enjoyable and relaxing break. 

Crunch & Sip Grant

The School were successful in recieving a 'Crunch & Sip' grant from the Cancer Council. This enabled the School to purchase fruit for Brilliant Brains and the Primary classes. 

K/PP Playground

Could parents please be advised that your child/ren need to be supervised at the Kindy/PP playground once school is over. It is not the duty of care of Miss J or Mrs Melville once the children have been collected/placed on the bus. Could you please refrain from allowing them to play on the Kindy/PP playground after school on their own.  Thank you. 


Thank you to the Muka Tennis Club for donating tennis balls to the School.

Successful Scholarship News

Congratulations to Chanelle Nayda (Yr 11) who has been successful in obtaining a scholarship from the Sir Frank Ledger Charitable Trust to board the STS Leeuwin II to go on the Leeuwin Ocean Adventure! Chanelle will be joining Jesse Booker on the week long voyage this December. This sponsorship has funded half of the voyage expenditure. Chanelle will be fundraising for the other half so please keep an eye out on the school media channels for ways that you can support her.

Keep us up to Date

  • Reminder to all parents that you need to provide us with a current immunisation record for your child, especially if they have recently had any relevant needles.
  • Please provide us with any updated medical details, medications your child might be taking and phone number or address updates.
  • Please provide your child's teacher or the front office team with details of upcoming absences for appointments or other reasons.  These can be submitted via Connect.