Year 3 Term 3 Newsletter

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Term Three. We hope everyone had a relaxing break over the holidays.

The last term was a great success. Our highlights were  Camp,  Half Moon Bay Indigenous Plant Walk, visiting Garden World, the Ridiculous Rhyme Show and Cyber Safety incursion The children impressed us all with their keenness to learn and their outstanding behaviour and manners outside of school.

Term 3 is going to be a thrilling and exciting term. One of the highlights will be the school Concert. 3B and 3L's concert item is Mario Kart. 3D and 3L's item is Sonic Racing.


In addition to developing our knowledge of number facts across the four operations, emphasis will be placed on:-

Measurement & Geometry: Measuring, ordering and comparing objects using familiar metric units of length, mass and capacity.

Money: Counting money amounts, finding equivalent amounts and calculating change.

Fractions: exploring and comparing representations of halves, quarters, thirds, fifths and eighths and modelling and representing unit fractions and their multiples.

Problem Solving: exploring open-ended real life questions and discovering multiple ways to answer questions.


Every day after lunch time, students will continue to participate in mindfulness activities. These include Smiling Minds mediation and mindfulness colouring in. This helps students to take some time to refocus and be ready to learn for the afternoon.

Research shows that the Smiling Minds program can assist with students' sleep, wellbeing, managing emotions, concentration and classroom school behaviour. 

Each week students are also taught social and emotional skills through our Friendly Schools program. Students are reflective of their experiences and are able to identify areas of their lives that would benefit from these skills.


This term students will be learning about how both explanations and information texts are used in their every day lives. The specific skills that will be taught and practised will be:



Exploring explanations and information texts, structure, language choice, paragraphs, spelling,  labelled diagrams and the use of tense.



Identifying the point of view in a text, author's language choice depending on the text type, analysing how different verbs groups are used for different processes, making predictions, and identifying important ideas and supporting details in texts.



Speaking and Listening:

Asking relevant questions, providing meaningful feedback during News Report Presentations, creating and using cue cards and varying the tone of their voice when presenting to the class. 


Excursions and Incursions

During Term 2 we had some very engaging excursions and incursions, camp was the most memorable of all. The children participated in many engaging, creative, stimulating and interactive experiences where the students had the opportunity to encounter and succeed facing challenges that were outside of their comfort zones. Activities such as the Giant Swing, Hut Building, GaGa Ball and the Commando Course helped to foster and develop team-building skills such as confidence, trust  and friendships. 

To prepare for the concert the students will be participating in weekly dance lessons as a part of the Performing Arts Curriculum. Expect to be razzled, dazzled by their dancing skills.

Unit of Inquiry

This term the students will be exploring the Inquiry topic, ‘Australia and Beyond’. Students will use geographic concepts of environment and space to examine the similarities and differences between places in terms of the climate and the types of settlements. They will also investigate how the environment supports the lives of people and how humans can be more sustainable.

Dates to Remember

Parent Teacher Interviews -23  July 

School Concert- 5th and 6th September

Junior school Science Incursion-6th August

Science Week  -12th 16th August

Science Night-14th August 

Book Week- 19 to 23 August

Junior School House Athletics-20th August

Casual Days ( Fridays )

26 July  

30  August

20 September


Footy Coin Line ( tbc) 


Last Day of Term 3 ( 2 : 30 pm Dismissal) 

20 September


Sandy Bassoukos Davina Dibbs, Nicole Large, Jo Hayes