..... from the Principal .....

Dear Parents, Students and Staff


I am very excited to share our VCE results with our community and highlight the significant growth in our VCE results this year.


  • Top ATAR - 99.85 (Lily Zheng)
  • 9% students achieved an ATAR above 95
  • 15% student achieved an ATAR above 90
  • 32.25% of students achieved an ATAR above 80

Congratultions to Lily and all our other students.  The school is very proud of the class of 2019 and their overall achievements. But, our students are more than just an ATAR or a Study Score. Our students leave the college with a strong sense of self and a strong moral compass. 

I would like to take this moment to thank and congratulate our wonderful staff for their dedication, guidance and support over many years. 

Congratulations to the Class of 2019, our community is proud of all your achievements.



Today, Friday 13th December, was the last day of rollover classes. Any students in attendance at the College next Monday to Wednesday will be involved in Environmental Improvement of the College.



A reminder to keep the night of Wednesday 18th December free for the Cheltenham Secondary College Presentation Evening which will be held at Moorabbin Town Hall.  Award winners have been contacted and asked to advise the College if they will be attending on the night.  Students are to wear full school uniform.  Please be seated by7.00pm for a 7.30 start. 



Please note that any student exiting from the College (excluding Year 12) needs to complete an exit form which can be obtained from Reception.  If you are under 17 and not transferring  to a government school you will also need to complete the exit papers and have an exit interview with Ms Farrington-Williams.

AND  a reminder to all students that once you exit the college your Compass logon and your gmail email account will be made inactive.   If there are any reports on Compass you wish to keep please make sure you print these reports before the end of the school year.



..,., to our teacher Jasper Au.  One of our students, Marsalis Lam, has had his portfolio  picked to be exhibited in the 2020 Top Design Exhibition!!!! This is a huge honour with only 16 portfolios being picked from the whole of Victoria.   Jasper has put hours of his own time and energy into assisting and guiding Marsalis and his other students.  Well done, Jasper.


Finally, I’d like to thank all members of the school community for their contribution to the college during 2019.

There are too many people to thank individually, but I must make mention of the college councillors, under the leadership of Ms Sharon Tapner as Council President, who work very hard to ensure Cheltenham continues to provide the best possible education for our students.

I would also like to thank our Assistant Principals Brooke Matthews, Adam Collings and Helen Page who do a wonderful job in their respective roles. Thank you also to all our dedicated teachers who put in so many extra hours in order to provide such a varied range of supports and opportunities for students, from academic to sporting to cultural events. Thank you to our Education Support (non-teaching) staff, who in many ways truly do keep the school running. Your efficiency, good will and good humour play a significant part in the success of Cheltenham Secondary College.

Lastly, a big thank you to the parents/carers of our students who not only support their own children but also do much to support the work of the college in guiding their children through their secondary school experience.

We have several staff leaving the college at the end of 2019 and I would like to take this opportunity to wish them well in their new endeavours.  I would also like to thank Assistant Principal, Adam Collings, who is taking 12 months off to travel with his family.  Adam will return to the college in 2021.  All the best Adam and safe travelling.

As this is the final issue of the Cheltonian for the year, I would like to wish everyone the very best for the festive season, and hope that your summer is both safe and enjoyable. For those fortunate enough to have some time off work, I hope you have an enjoyable time with your children.

Term 1 2020 commences for Year 7 and Year 12 students on Wednesday 29th January and the rest of our students will return on Thursday 30th January 2020.

Karl Russell


Our College values are Personal Best, Respect, Responsibility and Sense of Community. We expect all members of our community to reflect these values in all interactions. Aggressive, rude or violent behaviour will not be accepted at our College