Verbal Combat

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Right? Wrong.

On the 6th of May, the Year’s 7s were fortunate to be involved in a Verbal Combat Theatre Performance produced by Brainstorm Productions. This educational and engaging play was performed by two actors who played multiple characters affected by verbal and cyber bullying as either the victim, bully or witness. These actors and character roles showed and taught the Year Sevens about bullying and how it can not only affect the main students involved but also other students who were being pressured to do hurtful things by their peers.

Some things that the Year Sevens learnt from this play was if you are ever being bullied or see someone else being bullied immediately tell a trusted adult or teacher. It will prevent the problem from getting out of control and it will make you feel better knowing someone you trust is able to help you. We also learnt that you should never spread rumours about someone that are not true because it can hurt people if they think others around them believe something that you know is false. The Year 7s discovered that you should never pretend to be someone else just to be popular.


In the Verbal Combat Presentation, there were many different characters that were involved in a main problem. Because of rumours and accusations, peers made the bully and threats even worse than it was. The Year Sevens learnt to not believe everything that something says about rumours because that person has likely been told that by another student.


 Overall, the Year Sevens learnt about verbal bullying and cyber bullying in an engaging and fun way. Brainstorm Productions teach primary and high school aged kids about bullying, resilience, wellbeing and mental health through theatre productions and programs.


By Lulu Spear 7M2