Year 7 News

Year 7 Immunisation
As the Year 7 Immunisation Program visit is unable to occur at your child’s school this term Banyule City Council is offering the following sessions for your Year 7 student (who must be accompanied by one parent/guardian) to receive the scheduled vaccines.
Saturday 9 May – Bundoora Community Hall, Noorong Avenue, Bundoora from 10am – Bookings are essential via this link
Year 7 Students that attend these sessions will automatically receive their 2nd dose of HPV back at their school later in the year. Social distancing guidelines will be strictly adhered to.
Please note that if students are unable to attend these sessions, the vaccines are available through GP’s and pharmacies. If students receive their vaccines through GP’s or pharmacies they will not be able to receive their 2nd dose of HPV at school later in the year.
Kind regards
Leonie Sabine
Administrative Officer
Banyule City Council
T (03) 9457 9964 | Facebook | Twitter
Year 7 online Level Assembly
The Year 7 Level Assembly was held online on Tuesday 5th May. Please see summary below:
A big thankyou to everyone in Year 7 for their resilience they have demonstrated during remote learning. You’ve had a bit of a tough few months. Back in February you were having to deal with a brand new school and whole new way of doing things and in April you’ve needed to start all over again! Despite this, you guys have been able to just get on with the task at hand. We have had a really high level of attendance in your classes and you have been completing the work by the due date, which is an amazing effort! So a big thankyou from the Year 7 team and from your teachers for your efforts.
Year 7 Camp - News
We were able to secure new dates for camp - Week 8 of term 4.
Dates are: 7A-E - 23rd to the 25th November and 7F-FJ is 25th to the 27th November.
Middle Years Student Council Representatives
Ms Butler needs 1 more person from 7B, 7D, 7G and 7I for Middle Years Student Council Representatives and 2 more people from 7F ,7H and 7J.
Steam Club - Code to join on Teams (julm5p8)
Ms Nair wants to let you know that Steam club is still going ahead remotely. So please join using the code above. There are a lot of resources for students who would like to enjoy some STEAM activities in their spare time. Also, Young Persons Plan for the Planet (YPPP) is looking for school volunteers to set up vertical gardens using recycled bottles and would love some help ? Please message Ms Nair, or Mr Mulhall for more info.
Feedback from survey
- How you feel about remote learning:
- 61% say either Amazing or fine
- Around 20% ok
- 8% say given too much work
- 1% say they are not given enough work
- Feeling prepared for class:
- 53% say they have read the planner and know exactly what to do
- 41% will just ask a few questions and they are fine
- Overall, really good.
- Having to use the Camera:
- Really important for the teachers to be able to have a connection with students, to see their reactions, to know if they are understanding what they are saying. It’s lonely for the teachers to not see their students.
- Having your camera on is also really good for your other classmates. They want to be able to see their friends as well and know we are all in this together.
- Types of delivery of lessons:
- Not surprisingly students were interested in playing kahoots or games in their lessons. Stile questions seem to be popular too, I think the fact that it is easy to hand in your work is something to consider. Also, only 10% preferred written tasks. Students also liked pre-recorded videos they could go back and watch if they didn’t understand.
- Work-load at Year 7:
- 52% feel they are going ok
- 30% feel they are having to spend time out of class to finish work off
- 3% are feeling completely overwhelmed. A lot of the ‘Other’ answers revolved around too much work as well. We are working with teachers on this to get the balance right!
- Talking to your teachers about workload:
- Important thing is that you let your teachers know if you are not keeping up with the workload or if they have set too much for you. They will be able to arrange a differentiated workload or extensions on tasks for you.
- We also offer Mentor/organisation help - this could be from the Ms Jewel the Year 7 Mentor or one of the Year 7 Wellbeing Leaders either Mr Hocking, or Ms McConnell. They will be able to organise a chat with you to have a look at an overview of your tasks, break them down into smaller achievable ones and make a plan for you to get back and track and be stress free.
Libby Whiting - From the Wellbeing Centre - spoke about the role of the Wellbeing Counsellors in remote learning and how students can seek extra help if they need it. Any students who feel they need extra support can contact Mr Krieg or Libby directly. Or any staff member can also make a referral.
Mr Hocking provided tips on managing your own learning:
- Use a diary. You all have a planner.
- Download the “Manage Your Week” Template from newsfeed.
- Use a tool like Trello
- Use the ‘Calendar’ feature in Teams
- Make a to-do list each morning of the things you need to achieve that day; if you don’t achieve some of the things on your list, add them to the top of the list for the next day!
- Use your learning planners on Compass and Teams to prioritise tasks.
- Stay off chats in class but also make use of video chats with your friends at other times.
Benefits of remote learning:
- Time-efficiency: no travelling to and from school, no getting ready in the morning, no packing a school bag, no moving between classes, waiting at lockers etc.
- More freedom: you get to decide where you work, how you prioritise tasks, what you wear, when you take a break, eat a snack, you get to use your computer all day etc.
- Fewer distractions (potentially!): You can choose when and how you interact with your friends and class-mates, you don’t have to share a desk with anyone else, there are no announcements over the PA, fewer assemblies and interruptions to the learning
Tips and Feedback from students who are enjoying, and feel they are doing well during remote learning:
- Students who have enjoyed remote learning said:
“I enjoy having my own space.”
“I don't get so distracted by my friends.”
“I like being my own boss.”
“It’s comfortable and I don’t have to walk all the way home.”
“I can talk to my friends while I do my work.”
“I hate when I have to get my stuff from my locker… but at home, you have your stuff right next to you, ready.”
“I absolutely love not having to change into a uniform.”
“I love being on my computer the whole time. And I find it much easier learning that way.”
“It’s great being able to have a fresh meal for lunch every day, and I also get to spend time with my dogs at recess and lunch.”
“What I enjoy most about remote learning is that I can do my work at my pace.”
- Students who feel they’ve adapted well to remote learning recommend:
“Try and maintain good organisational skills.”
“Work on becoming an independent learner.”
“Embrace the ability to work at your own pace.”
“Make the most of being able to message teachers directly, any time.”
“Set up your work space so you have everything you need.”
“If you are bored then maybe you could work with friends; just don’t get distracted.”
“Enjoy it while you can, enjoy the peace and quiet, enjoy the space from people and enjoy being at home.”
“Relax. Do work, but relax.”
“Be ready for lessons and check lesson plans.”
“Look at the bright side of everything: you can get up later than usual, listen to music, do everything at your pace and not have to run to their next class on the other side of the school.”
“Always communicate with your friends and teachers when you need them because they are always there to help.”
“I would say don't be afraid to talk to your teacher if you’re having trouble.”
“Have something entertaining next to you like a Rubik's cube or maybe have Spotify playing in the background. Or have a pet next to you; I find that they can quickly and easily remove any stress you have.”
Super important for physical health, but also MENTAL HEALTH
- Releases brain chemicals that make us happy!
- Improves our sleep quality
- Reduces feelings of anxiety and stress
- Improves our concentration
How can you stay active in isolation?
- Stretching > important as you are sitting in front of a screen for most of the day
- Arms behind back – shoulder stretch
- Moon stretch – arm over head
- Lower back twist
Getting ACTIVE!
- Ensure you are using your allocated PE lesson to be active (ISO-FIT)
- Going for a walk, ride your bike, jump on the trampoline, practice Tik-Tok dances
- Brain breaks
- Rub tummy + pat head
- Ear + nose
- Crab hands
- Arm circles
- Hand-eye coordination tasks (video)
- Tennis racquet > keep ball up > flip > flip and edge
- Throw tennis ball against wall as quickly at possible without dropping
Mental Health – Gratitude
- Make sure you are still making time to do things that you love/make you happy
- Practice gratitude – write down 3 things each day that went well/you are thankful for
Competition - VIDEO
- Create a video of your best trick shots (safety first), choreographed dance (can be like a flash dance with friends), iso-band session with friends or anything funny!
- Post your entries into the ‘Year 7- Full Cohort’ Team under the ‘Year 7 Trick, Dance or Funny Video Competition’ Channel.
Year 7 Team
Mr Krieg, Ms McConnell, Mr Hocking, Ms Jewell and Ms Butler