Senior Years News

Message to Year 12 and College Community from Year 12 Team
Firstly, thank you all for your hard work. We acknowledge that this process has taken a lot of adjustment, and we appreciate the positive attitude of the community.
NASA Astronaut, Chris Hadfield said, ‘No Astronaut launches to space with their fingers crossed’.
We have embarked on this journey with somewhat less testing than NASA had before launching people to the moon. However, we are working hard to make this experience as seamless as possible. We know that you will be ready to launch into your next phase, at the right time. The teachers at Viewbank College are having constant discussions on how we can best serve you and your needs. We are all adapting to this process.
We are currently supporting many students with a range of difficulties, however we always have time for every individual. Please do not apologise for stepping forward and asking for assistance. ‘At times, we all need someone to lean on’ - Bill Withers.
Please make sure that you make time to see the sun every day.
Please make time for your own wellbeing and please make time to to eat healthy.
Most of all please make time to ask your loved ones how they are coping and be there for them.
Stay safe and well.
See you soon!
Dean Bettiol and Team 12
Senior Years News
“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the aeroplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” Henry Ford
There is no doubt that much has changed since the beginning of Term 2! Our students face a different year to the one they were living only a few weeks ago. We need to remember though, that despite the challenges, the dislocation and disruption, this is only temporary and we will be back at school, living our ‘normal’ lives once again.
Being thrust into remote learning has proven difficult for some and we’ve all had to think of new ways of working as we endeavour to make the most of the opportunities in this current environment. And while experiences may differ, there is no question that this situation is hard for everyone. We are, however, seeing great character, ingenuity, creativity and resilience emerge. It has been so encouraging to see so many within our community embracing the adversity as an opportunity to grow, challenge themselves and undertake some new learning.
Our teachers have invested an enormous amount of time and effort in supporting students’ learning online. We also acknowledge the significant demands on parents too. The stress of running our usual households has been compounded by balancing working from home with supporting our children with their learning.
To help us navigate through this together, Year Level Leaders have uploaded video messages to their cohorts via Microsoft Teams, offering support, encouragement, remote learning expectations and tips on sustaining a healthy approach, both mentally and physically.
More specifically for VCE students, the PowerPoint below will offer the most recent VCAA information on how the VCE will be delivered to students. I encourage all students and parents to read through each slide together for a better understanding and we will continue to communicate these changes to students and parents as they are being published.
Hopefully, it won’t be too long before we can share our stories of navigating through this period together.
Until next time, stay safe, stay strong and stay sane!
Sue Calder
Senior Years Leader
Year 10 Work Experience - postponed
The Year 10 Work Experience Program has now been postponed until the week of Monday November 30th to Friday Dec 4th.
Students who currently have work experience arrangements in place are able to attend their placement unless notified otherwise.
Wendy Peck
Work Experience Coordinator