ADF News
ADF Families Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Over the past three weeks I have attempted to contact each and every student either by Video Link or in some cases where students haven’t responded, by email. In my discussions with students , it would appear that most students have been generally coping well in this new learning environment and maintaining social connections through various forms of social media. Can I take this opportunity to stress the importance of maintaining routine as this will serve everybody well when we eventually return to school and make that transition easier. I would like to also mention that the Program offered at Viewbank includes all students who come from families that may have left defence in the last 18 months , when I am called upon by Defence to indicate numbers these families are included. So its important for these students to stay engaged and come to events when they are organised.
A couple of other matters, can I remind students to be present on time for online classes and ensure they are marked present, this will eliminate requests from the school to supply documentation for absences. Also, a reminder for Year 12 students thinking about university next year, that the ANU is accepting enrolments for next year based on Year 11 results. Closing dates are late May (see the ANU website for further information or contact Careers staff at Viewbank).
Over the coming weeks I will again be in touch with all students and I look forward to seeing how everyone is going. For ADF students there is a site on Microsoft Teams, this contains some puzzles and other information regarding Health and well being and I encourage students to access this if they so desire.
Kind Regards
Michael Walton
Mentor/Student Counsellor