Secondary 7-8


SKH know that there are 3 main parts to the brain because we were excited and a little scared when dissecting sheep’s brains! We have smelled, touched and tasted different types of apples and will do a water tasting lesson next week. We watched a youtube video that showed us the top 15 super brain foods for kids and we will start eating more of them to help our brains when learning. We were supposed to play a cricket match with SSD and SLB but it was way too hot; luckily we still got to have a BBQ and zooper doopers! Mathletics is up and running and we can do our tasks at home that Karen sets us each week. Congratulations to our class leaders; Alec and Daniel who were elected by their peers. We are a happy class of awesome learners in SKH.


SEO has had a great start to 2017. We really enjoyed getting to know one another and making new friends in the Secondary 7/8 learning area. We started our formalised timetables recently. It is great to see all students getting into their streaming classes routine. Within Numeracy, we were learning about graphing. The ‘Favourites’ graph was a big hit with the students, counting, grouping and collating the chocolate data for our graph. It was fantastic to see all students getting around the lesson as students were engaged and excited to learn. We completed the exercise as a whole class on the floor. Students were instantly involved when they saw the box of chocolates. They were eager to answer any statistic questions about the graph. At the end, we all enjoyed a Favourites treat after our Math lesson and well deserved too. We can’t wait for more graphing sessions!


SSO and SRM have had a great start to the year, we went on an excursion to Bundoora Park. We spent the day getting to know each other with a game of cricket, playing in the playground and cooking up some sausages on the BBQ. SSO and SRM have been all around the world but finally we have moved back to our classroom. All while this has been happening the students have been continually learning and have taken an interest in our integrated unit on the brain. Their favourite lesson have been the different investigations. There were lots of hands on practical ways of dissecting the brain, all students had a go and used their 5 senses to investigate and each had their own sheep’s brain to dissect. Students have also tasted different forms of apples and different kinds of water, every student has had a go and enjoyed trialling new things. Students have also been investigating the five food groups and how to create an eat well plate. They are looking forward to our brain food lunch at the end of the unit, we have been discussing what they could bring. SSO and SRM begun their Literacy and Maths program last week, they're enjoying learning about place value, place value Yahtzee is their favourite game. The beginning of the year has been very eventful for SSO and SRM but both classes have settled in very well.  We look forward to what the year will bring!


SMC and SFC have already been on two excursions. What a busy start to 2017!  Earlier in the term we went to Greensborough Lanes for a social excursion. We were able get to know, and enjoy the company of each other. The students were fantastic with Liam getting the highest score of 110. Our classes also went to Watsonia train station to purchase Myki cards and top them up with money. The students went to the window to buy the card for $3. They then went to the ‘top up’ machine where they had to select the appropriate buttons, put in $11 and pressed ‘yes’ for a receipt. We then wrote recounts and procedures of ‘How to buy a Myki card’.  We also used the film studio to make an instructional video.


SSD students have had a great start to the 2017 school year. Students have settled into the routine of classes quickly and have already produced some outstanding work and made improvements in both Literacy and Maths. The class enjoyed the first three weeks of school where students were able to spend time getting to know one another and having the time to learn about the 7/8 section. Students were also excited about starting the integrated unit where one of their first experiences was to dissect a sheep’s brain. This gave them a greater insight into the different parts of the brain and the role each part of the brain plays in their own bodies. Spectacular practice has started and we are honing our dancing skills in anticipation for the performance for family and friends. With only 4 weeks left in term all students are all working hard and looking forward to holidays.


SLB are off to a brilliant start in 2017! We spent the first few weeks of term getting to know each other and familiarising ourselves with the class routine. As a class we are working extremely well together, both academically and socially. We are already making great improvements in our learning! From dissecting a brain, to taste testing different types of waters and apple products, beginning to learn the opening dance for High School Musical the Spectacular, exploring fiction texts, conducting surveys and creating graphs, it has been a busy start to the year! We are proud to announce that we have elected Luke and Emily as our class leaders, and think they will do an outstanding job. We are enjoying having roles and responsibilities in our classroom, which is helping us to become responsible and independent. We are excited for what the year holds!

Update from Team Leader

The year 7/8 classes have settled extremely well into the new school year. Rachael’s (SRM) and Stef’s (SSO) classes thrived in the temporary library spaces and have, recently, moved back to their improved classrooms. An initial highlight has been the getting to know you events: BBQ at Bundoora Park, Sports afternoons and ten-pin bowling.


Differentiated Literacy and Numeracy teaching is firmly underway and students are eagerly exploring brain food and healthy living practices. Dancing lessons and auditions for ‘Spectacular’ have commenced and student/staff enthusiasm for the event is gathering momentum. Social Competencies programs such as Rock and Water, MPower Girls and Jump Start have begun and are instilling students’ with more confidence.


It’s amazing to see our students’ leading the weekly section assemblies, creatively presenting their news items and demonstrating positive listening and social skills.  Our team is well supported by dedicated support staff: an Autism and Teaching and Learning coaches, an Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist and Student Well-being Co-ordinator. Additionally, our committed ES and trainees contribute daily to the students’ welfare and progress. We are gearing up for the SSG meetings and look forward to meeting parents and carers on Wed. March 29th to discuss student-learning goals.   


Helen Edmonds,

Secondary 7/8 Team Leader