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How do you and your family move?


How do you and your family stay active? Yarra City Council needs your ideas to help us make Yarra a healthier, more active city. 


When we talk about being active, we’re talking about getting your body moving in any way that you like. It can be different for everyone. If you enjoy the way that you are being active, then you will make time for it - no matter what!

It's not just about playing sport. It could be dancing to a YouTube video in your loungeroom, walking to the shops or home from school, playing with kids at the park, kicking the footy with friends or doing gardening. 


How can you help?

We want to hear from you about how you and your children move, and what would help you be more active.  We also want to hear from your kids! We would love to know their favourite activities and what they want to do more. 

You can help us understand your family’s needs by sharing your ideas before Friday 17th December 2021.

Click on Link to complete a short on-line survey:


The Big Summer Read runs from 1 December2020 until 31 January 2021.There are great prizes to be won, including a $200 gift voucher from The Little Book Room and junior audiobook packs.

Participants can register and participate for free at with a Yarra Libraries membership card.

If you would to enrol your child in singing or piano lessons please contact Ingrid