Principal's News

After such a positive start to the school year, I look forward to the year ahead and I am confident that we are ready for the challenges that the learning journey will bring for students, staff and the wider CEPS community. We are working towards raising expectations for our students to an even higher level, ensuring our staff are delivering a differentiated curriculum, continue working in collaborative teams and we need to make sure that we are all working on the improvement agenda that will continue to build the Cheltenham East PS as a proud school with a strong community focus and a vibrant place for everyone to learn.


I had the pleasure of sitting in on some classes during the week and it is really pleasing to see how well the children have settled into the routine of school. They are working hard and focusing on carrying out the teacher instructions to get the best out of themselves. This happens because of clear expectations and guidance from the teacher. Well done to all of our wonderful teachers for giving the children such a positive start to the school year. 


Student Leaders

Maddy H, Aarav, Maddy D, Liam
Maddy H, Aarav, Maddy D, Liam


Our student leaders began their leadership duties early this term. Each leader has done a terrific job so far this year. 

We have profiled below Aarav V, Liam F, Maddy H and Maddy D. 




We would also like to congratulate them on successfully leading our first school assemblies for 2022.



Student Leader Profile - Maddy D








Which grade are you in?

I am in Mr Packham’s grade. 

What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy skateboarding, soccer, running and travelling.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is vegie pastie.

Do you have any pets?


Why did you want to be a student leader?

I like leading.

What has been your favourite experience at CEPS?

The camps and being school captain.



Student Leader Profile - Aarav











Which grade are you in?

I am in Ms Boucher’s grade. 

What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy playing sports and playing video games.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is butter chicken.

Do you have any pets?


Why did you want to be a student leader?

I think this school is my home and I want to represent it.

What has been your favourite experience at CEPS?

Meeting new friends.


Student Leader Profile - Liam








Which grade are you in?

I am in Mr Packham’s grade.

What are some of your hobbies?

I do basketball and football and I love video games.

What is your favourite food?

Steak and salad.

What has been your favourite experience at CEPS?

Making new friends.

Do you have any pets?

I have a cat called Rosie.

Why did you want to be a student leader?

I get to be a role model for the younger children and it’s a once in a life time opportunity for Primary school.

What has been your favourite experience at CEPS?

Learning new things.



Student Leader Profile - Maddy H








Which grade are you in?

I am in Mr Packham’s grade.

What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy swimming.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food is lasagne.

Do you have any pets?

I have a dog called Mickey and tropical fish.

Why did you want to be a student leader?

To help out the school.

What has been your favourite experience at CEPS?




House Captains 2022


Congratulations to our 2022 

House Captains.


Coolac - Lily L & Toby H

Arunyah - Sophie H & Cooper S

Tarmaroo - Neil  S & Freddie M

Kambara - Valerie K & Toby H





Junior School Council 2022



Congratulations to the our 2022 Junior School Council.  Student Representatives are from each class and are voted in by their peers.  







Covid Updates

COVID updates are being sent each day and we will try to get this information to the CEPS community as soon as possible. We continue to follow the Health Departments’ guidelines to keep everyone safe. Please continue to make sure you notify the school if there is a positive case so we can support the family and protect our community at the same time. Keep up the good work. Overall, we have had a successful start to the academic year. Mask wearing has been consistent, the masks that you are providing for your children are ensuring that they are protected. Teachers have windows and doors open to maximise ventilation and the air purifiers have been delivered to the classrooms and are all in use. Additionally, we are ensuring that we are limiting the mixing of classes and encouraging the use of outdoor spaces to align with the COVID operations guide.

These actions have led to barely any new cases in our school at the moment, everyone is to be congratulated for the joint effort.


For more information on symptoms visit:

For more information on  how to get tested visit:


School Council Elections

All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. School Councils are legally formed bodies that help to set the key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines. Parents on School Council provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. 


Nominations will be called next week for the parent and DE&T employee member categories of School Council. If you decide to stand for election, you can nominate yourself or have someone nominate you. Forms will be attached to next week’s newsletter or available at the office. Once completed, these need to be returned to the Office by 4:00pm on Friday March 4th. We have 5 elected parent category members up for re-election as well as 2 elected DE&T employee category members. If there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on Council, a ballot will be conducted in the two weeks after the call of nominations has closed. Being a member of School Council is very rewarding. We currently meet on the third or fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm. You don’t need any previous experience. 


Pickup/Drop Off

Please make sure you are following the signs, particularly the speed limit, around the school when picking up or dropping off your children at school. This will ensure the safety of our children when they are getting picked up or dropped off. Do not double park and do not do U turns near the school as this is a recipe for a potential tragic accident.



Classroom Cuisine

Log onto and register as a new user. This is to confirm the school and class details of their child (register for one or more children) – to make sure Classroom Cuisine knows where to deliver the lunch.  Also required is a contact telephone number and email address to send order / payment confirmation.  They will not share ‘Users’ information with anyone. Users receive a password so that future visits to the site are quick and easy.  Payment is made at the time of placing an order through a secure banking gateway receiving both Visa and MasterCard.  The system confirms orders and generates a confirmation email to our users confirming order and payment. 


How it works

You can order two courses or three courses. There are gluten and dairy free options. There are 30 Options from which to choose within each course selection on each day.  They deliver before lunch labelled with the students name, class and order details. Orders may be placed for one day or as many days as required.   A Menu for the whole term is posted online prior to the commencement of the term.  Orders are received by the Customer Friendly Website until 8.30am on the morning of the day the order is required. Orders placed in advance can be cancelled and a voucher issued if it comes to pass that a child is sick or has a school activity which means they won’t need the lunch).



Cut down on Litter


We actively encourage our students to avoid bringing packets and plastic wrappers to school. It cuts down on litter and is much better for the environment. A named container is perfect. Reminder – please send your child to school with a named drink bottle too!



Emergency Management 

The safety and wellbeing of our students is always our top priority. In the coming weeks we will be having our first Evacuation Practice for the whole school. This is to ensure the children are familiar with what to do in case of emergency. The school runs evacuation drills and lockdown drills on a termly basis.



“It’s not okay to be away!” Every minute counts! When students stay away from school their learning and friendships are affected. When children arrive late, they interrupt the learning of other students as well as valuable teaching time. 


All children who arrive after 9am must report to the office area first, prior to going to the classroom. This will avoid an “unexplained absence” SMS from the school.  We really look forward to the support of our families in ensuring our students absolutely maximise their educational possibilities by being here ON TIME, EVERY TIME. Your commitment to and interest in your child’s education is absolutely vital to their success at school. 


Sun Smart School

We are a Sun Smart school and as such children are required to wear a school approved legionnaires or a wide brimmed hat from mid-August to end of April when participating in any outdoor activity (eg lunch times, sporting activities, excursions etc). They are also encouraged to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated during the day. On extreme hot weather days the school will be running a Sweat Day timetable where children stay inside. This will be at the discretion of the Principal.


Thought For the Week
























Wayne Bach