School Communications and Management

Farewelling our birds

Unfortunately, we are required to re-home the school birds. We have had a lot of joy over the years from having the birds in the school, with many kind donations of new birds from families. We understand that this is also a memorial site and a garden with particular elements related to birds will be installed in the place of the aviary with the memorial plaque. We have found a lovely new home for the birds with a cockatiel enthusiast- they will be loved and well-cared for. I encourage all of our students who love the birds to come past in the next week to say farewell.   

Hush Pods

We have an exciting new addition to our Library resources, the Hush Pod! No it isn't the Tardis from Dr Who but a powered sound proof booth with air circulation and USB port. The Hush Pod can be used for virtual lessons (eg School of Languages, Distance Education, TAFE ), sitting assessments & exams with separate supervision support, or for private study. A second Hush Pod is arriving soon. First users of the Hush Pod have given positive reviews and we anticipate they will be in frequent use supporting the learning of our students.

Late Arrivals and Attendance

Uniform Checks

Wearing school uniform presents a positive public image to the community of our school. School uniform also fosters a safer school environment by enabling students to be easily identified. All students are expected to wear full school uniform every day. 

During roll marking in class, teachers will make an entry if a student is out of uniform. 

These will be tallied and families advised via a letter sent through our school email. Year Advisers and Deputies will have follow up conversations with students frequently out of uniform without explanation. 

A few clarifications to assist families:

*PE uniform is to be worn during PE classes only, or on Wednesday Sport days only, or for Knockout. This includes sports shoes.

*Shoes are to be black leather style and enclosed. See the pictures provided from the Student Information Booklet.

*Shirts are to be worn with buttons done up, including when a top is worn underneath the shirt.

What to do if a student is unable to wear uniform:

On rare occasions a student may be unable to wear full school uniform. In this case they should bring a signed note from a parent or caregiver, stating the reason and when it is expected they will be able to wear full uniform. 

Uniform Pass: 

If a student has a note for being out of uniform, they must carry the note with them and produce it on request or go to the front office for a uniform pass. If a student is mostly or completely out of uniform they will be sent to the Deputy Principal, parents will be contacted and students may be requested to change using school uniform items borrowed from the school.

Furnished A3

Our newly furnished classroom A3.

Kids and Masks on Transport

School Student Travel Term 1 2022