Principal's Message

By Jenny Hassett

Prep Enrolments

Wow, we are already planning for 2023! We are receiving a great response and many inquiries for enrolment forms for Preps 2023. To ensure we have enough space for siblings in our school we ask that parents with a child who will begin school next year to collect and complete an enrolment form ASAP.  This will allow us to plan ahead as spaces in our school are limited.

Please note we have a number of school tours in the near future. Please check Facebook and call the school if you wish to undertake a tour.

School Crossing

It is a well known fact that children will follow the examples we set. We have a crossing on Ernest St which is patrolled to ensure the safety of all our students. We constantly remind and train our students to use this facility for their own safety. Unfortunately, some parents are electing to cross with their child in close vicinity to the formal crossing putting themselves and their child at risk. Please work with us and use the crossing.

2022 Parent Permission

Please be aware that your consent is required for various aspects of your child's schooling. These are annual permissions (e.g photos, local excursions etc) that we require for all children and are now available by logging onto Compass for each child.

There are a number of parents who have not completed this permission form which may mean they miss out on some exciting events.


Mobile phones

A reminder to all parents and students that mobile phones MUST be handed in at the office before school and collected at 3.30pm. They will be locked away in the safe. No child should be using a phone during school hours. If a child needs to make contact with a parent they can come to the office and we will organise a call.

The Resilience Project Parent webinar

Rollins Primary School is very proud to be a fully accredited Partnership School with The Resilience Project. The Resilience Project's mission is to teach positive mental health strategies to help people build happiness and resilience. Through our affiliation with TRP, Rollins PS parents and community members are invited to join a free virtual presentation with TRP founder, Hugh van Cuylenburg or fellow presenter Martin Heppell. 

The session will be held on Wednesday 9th March, 6.30pm-8.00pm (90 minutes) AEDT. Parents will need to register using the following registration link:**Upon registration, registrants will receive a link to attend the webinar, along with a reminder the day prior. 

Morning Drop Off Preps

I think we are very close to changing the drop off point for our new Preps. 

Since the beginning of the year we have allowed Prep parents to enter the building so that they can settle their child and make the transition to school as smooth as possible. 

As we are now moving well into Term 1 we ask that Prep parents begin encouraging their child to carry their own bag into school, and then go outside and spend some time with their peers before school begins.

As from Monday 21st March we ask all Prep parents to say their formal goodbyes on the undercover patio and not to enter the school buildings. Hopefully, parents are able to get into the swing of this routine before Monday 21st.

Again, we will continue to do everything possible at Rollins to ensure we are as COVID free as possible.

Gates Closed

Just a reminder to all students and parents that the school gates open at 8.30am and will be closed at about 3.35pm. Please do not jump any areas of the school fence as this is a safety issue. Many thanks

Assembly link

Join us 3pm this Friday for our whole school assembly. Link below.