Religious Education News 

RE Leader

At the core of our St Mary’s community is the belief that we are people of faith. Our Catholic faith and traditions permeate our every day, as we strive to share our faith with each other, our students and each of you their families at St Mary’s. 


Each day is started with a morning prayer. Each class gathers in a circle around a prayer cloth designed by them this week in Start Up Week. The sign of the cross is made and the children with their teachers and other staff say our school prayer together. Students are then invited to share asking or thanking prayers with the group, a class prayer may be said,  a time for quiet prayer within their heart space is given and then each child is invited to bless themselves to finish the prayer. This ritual is an important part of our daily faith lived experience at St Mary’s.


As a staff we gather in prayer weekly and each of our School Advisory Councils and Parent & Friends meetings begin with prayer. 


I invite you to read the prayer we started our year with. 

Grant we pray, O Lord our God, that as the cross shines in our southern skies, so may Christ bring light to our nation, to its people old and new and by saving grace, transform our lives.


2022 Sacraments 

In collaboration with Father Jerome and Bernadette Milne we will be celebrating two Sacrament this year. 

The Year 6s will have the opportunity to make their Sacrament of Confirmation. 

The Year 3 and Year 4 students will have the opportunity to make their Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

Next year the students in Year 3 will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Year 4 students will celebrate their First Eucharist and the Year 6s will celebrate their Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Please see our dates for 2022 below. 



Sacrament of Reconciliation Yr 3 

Family Faith Night 

Reconciliation preparation Mass

Wednesday 4th May 6pm 

Wednesday 30th March 5-6pm 

Weekend of 2nd & 3rd April 

Sacrament of Reconciliation Yr 4

Family Faith Night 

Reconciliation preparation Mass

Tuesday 3rd May 6pm 

Wednesday 30th March 5-6pm 

Weekend of 2nd & 3rd April 

Sacrament of Confirmation Yr 6  

Confirmation preparation Mass 

Family Faith Night 

Student Reflection Day 

Bishop Tony's visit with students 

Tuesday 9th August 7pm 

Weekend of 16th & 17th July 


Friday 5th August 


Cathy Ferrari 

Religious Education Leader