Assistant Principal - Pastoral Care

Attendance at School

As the last two and a bit years have shown, being at school is a privilege. For most students it is where they learn best because learning is as much a social experience as it is an intellectual process. It is easy to sometimes rationalise or shrug off a student missing the odd day here and there but as the table below shows missing school can have significant consequences.

The Importance of Being at School on Time Every Day

Late to school byThat equals …Over a year …Over 13 years of schooling
10 min per day50 min per week1.5 weeks a yearHalf a year
20 min per day1 hr 40 min per week2.5 weeks per yearNearly 1 year
30 min per dayHalf a day a week4 weeks per yearNearly 1.5 years
60 min per day1 day a week8 weeks per yearOver 2.5 years

The Importance of Being at School Every Day

Away from schoolThat equals …In weeks …Over 13 years of schooling …
1 day a fortnight20 days a year4 weeks a year1.5 years missed
1 day a week40 days a year8 weeks per year2.5 years missed
2 days a week80 days a year16 weeks per year5 years missed
3 days a week120 days a year24 weeks per year8 years missed

Why is regular attendance at school important?

Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life. Your child will achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day.

  • they learn better
  • they make friends
  • they are happier
  • they have a brighter future.

We understand that for some families, getting their child to school can be difficult. Are you having problems getting your child to school for some of these reasons?

  • won’t get out of bed in the morning
  • won’t go to bed at night
  • can’t find their uniform, books, school bag
  • slow to eat breakfast
  • haven’t done their homework
  • watching a device or playing games
  • have a test or presentation to do, have an assignment to hand in
  • it’s their birthday.

If so, a set routine can help

  • have a set time to go to bed
  • have a set time to get out of bed
  • eliminate all devices from the bedroom
  • have uniform and school bag ready the night before
  • have a set time for starting and finishing breakfast
  • set a time for daily homework activities
  • speak about school positively
  • be firm, send your child to school every school day including their birthday and the last day of term!

What should I do if my child won’t go to school?

You can find some excellent videos about school refusal and belonging and friendship on the SchoolTV website which can be accessed through the College website. Furthermore, you should contact the College as soon as possible for advice and support. We will work with you to create a plan moving forward. Please contact your child’s Mentor teacher, Leader of Student Care, or College Psychologist for further advice and help with school refusal.

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Mr Mick Larkin - Assistant Principal - Pastoral