
The 2022 school year has begun well and students are now settled in their classes. Good teaching is more complex than what is in the curriculum. In all classes strong knowledge foundations and problem solving skills shape the learning activities. The aim of ‘Living Well, Learning Well’ is for all students to have a positive experience of learning - five great lessons every day - so that students increase their connection to school and leave each day happy and informed. Quality teaching, authentic student engagement and effective feedback are key in lifting learning outcomes.
Year 12 students are currently in the process of confirming their NESA entries and receiving the 2022 ‘Rules and Procedures’ booklets. Stage 6 study is governed by NESA - and it is important that students review this information. For parental reference we have included a link to NESA - Rules and processes | NSW Education Standards. Assessment is an ongoing process and the cumulative assessment rank is an important part of the final HSC result for students. Students received their assessment schedule in Term 4 2021 and we have included a digital link for students and families -
Copy of HSC Assessment Schedule 2021-2022.pdf
Mrs Martin will work with Year 11 students in the coming weeks to confirm their Year 11 pattern of study with NESA. Part of confirming this pattern of study and enrolling with NESA is the school confirming the completion of the All My Own Work program. Most students completed this in Year 10.
Year 7 students will very soon undertake the Best Start assessments. These help with identifying student achievement in key literacy and numeracy skills that are fundamental to their success in all subjects in secondary school. Feedback from the assessment also provides secondary teachers with information to support targeted teaching strategies that meet the learning needs of their students. All students in 7 -10 will also undertake an assessment called eWRITE. Students will require their chromebooks to complete all of these assessments.
Mrs Sally Sparke - Assistant Principal - Curriculum &
Mrs Briony Martin - Leader of Pedagogy