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 Artwork by Rhiannon P. Year 7, Plenty Campus 

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Junior

By Oscar Razzi and Claire Wright, Year 6, Buckley House

This year, Buckley House hosted their first production in three years. The Production was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jnr which is based off Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, an old classic from the 1960’s! The show is set in the early 1900’s and is a fictional musical about a flying car. 



Buckley House staff and students worked for weeks making sure every scene was polished! The production Director, Andrew Plant, played a huge part in the rehearsals. He was the creative mastermind behind the show. He made everyone laugh throughout rehearsals, keeping us entertained and motivated. Mr Mark Narkowicz, the music Director was in charge of the singing. The time he spent with the students helped them shine on the night. The Main Cast rehearsed after school and attend some Saturday sessions to become more confident with their confident with their lines and acting. Rehearsals for the production went for over ten weeks. As tired as we were, we managed to bring it altogether and presented two amazing performances for our family and friends.

By the Year 8 Cohort, The Ridgeway Campus
By the Year 8 Cohort, The Ridgeway Campus


On the night of the first performance, the Main Cast waited behind the heavy, red curtains. We felt nervous and excited as we listened to the chatter of the audience’s arrival. The show opened with a bang with a great performance. Everyone in Buckley House had a special part to play, including the staff! Each year level of the school performed one scene and they had their time to shine. It was a collaborative effort. 


The moment we finished bowing, the cheering audience hushed and the curtains closed. Backstage, we squealed with excitement.. The performance had been exhilarating. We were all on a high with the success of opening night and can’t wait to perform again!

Ben M. Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus
Ben M. Year 8, The Ridgeway Campus

Meditation with Mrs Liz Franklin 

By Willow Koniaras and Lewis Franklin, Year 6, Buckley House


Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed a special guest who chatted to us about meditation. Her name was Mrs Liz Franklin. Liz specialises in meditation and the well-being of others. During the session, we learnt many strategies to help keep us calm if we feel overwhelmed or stressed and she showed us ways to clear our minds. We learnt the word ‘Ahem’ means ‘I am’. We commenced the meditation with breathing and whispering ‘Ahem’. This reminded us to focus on ourselves. The ‘Third Eye’ is another meditation exercise that Liz introduced us to. This exercise was helpful as to relax the body and awaken our mind. Some students were so relaxed and in the moment that they almost fell asleep!

Artwork by Sam P. Year 8, Plenty Campus
Artwork by Sam P. Year 8, Plenty Campus

On reflection, It was very interesting to learn how being peaceful can benefit your mind and body and help us to live a happier and healthier life. We learnt that one of the best ways to us. To meditate is to sit in a comfortable position and focus on our breathing. Liz informed us that meditation is a wonderful way to start our morning, focusing on having a clear mind and positive attitude. 


This session was a great opportunity to learn new meditation skills and techniques that we can implement into our personal and school lives.