Physical Education

Dear Families,
We have had rain, we have had sunshine but we have still been able to enjoy PE and lots of sport.
Eastern Regional Metropolitan Athletic Finals
Amongst 298 schools in the Eastern Metropolitan Region Track and Field Championships, the following students were able to finish with some incredible results in their region overall. They did a fantastic job to make it to this level and represented SJV proudly.
Lily Cleary in Discus - 10th
Archie Cleary in Discus - 7th
Jason Sun - 5th
Mila Crisostomo in Triple Jump - 15th
Ryland Hollow in 800m - 13th
Ivy Hammerton in 800m - 14th
Division Basketball & Volleyball
A big shout out to our year 6s and Lachie that attended the basketball and volleyball on Friday 15 October. There were some super close matches and both teams missed out on making it through to the next round, but they played extremely well and should be proud of their efforts.
Thank you as always to the parents that help with these days, taking their child or coming along to support, we really appreciate it.
Twilight Sports
What a great evening and congratulations to our Durkin competitors on a great win. I was so proud of each and every one of our students on the sportsmanship they displayed and the effort they made in all of the different activities.
Thank you to our sport captains Archie and Isabel, our House Captains and all of our year 6 students for running each of the events, you did an exceptional job.
Cricket Gala Day
The next event will be for the year 6’s on Monday 7th of November. They will participate against other schools in a round robin event at Donvale Reserve. More information is to come and we will inform the students and families as this comes through. Watch out for an operoo in the coming weeks.
Spotlight on PE - Year 3 - 6
Over the past two weeks our year 3 to 6’s have been engaging in a tennis program run by Kishen and Ben from AdvantEdge Tennis Academy. The students have participated in rallies and games that rely on them improving their forehand, backhand and volley skills and how to make space on the court. The students have really enjoyed this program and we look forward to seeing what the next two weeks will bring. In week 4 the students will be going to HE Parker Tennis courts, where Kishen and Ben will host the students at their club. Please look out for an operoo in the coming week.
For more information on the AdvantEDGE you can go to their website
Game On Recycling
We’re proudly working with Game On Recycling to responsibly dispose of our end-of-life sporting equipment. Between Monday 14 th November to Friday 25 th November our school community is invited to bring any damaged, old and unwanted sporting balls, bats and rackets to our sports waste collection bin for free and environmentally friendly recycling.
Catherine Wall
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator