
Spring Challenge
Spring Challenge, the final aerobic competition for the year, is on Sunday 16 October.
We wish the students the best of luck and congratulate everyone of a brilliant year.
Student drop off for training
We have noticed a lot of parents dropping students within the school car park and not following the one way signs. A reminder that parents should not be driving into the school grounds at any time to drop off students. The designed drop off zone is Charman Road.
2023 Tryouts
Tryouts for the 2023 aerobics squad will be held on Thursday 3 November, after school from 3.20pm to 4pm in the gym for teams and 4pm to 4.30 for singles and pairs.
An email will be sent to all students to register intertest prior. Any questions, please email
Ms Tess Molina
Aerobics Coodinator