Principal's message

Dear MGSC community
I hope that everyone has had a lovely holiday break and that you are all feeling refreshed and ready to launch into the final term for the year.
The big news for us is that the school has received approval from the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) to proceed to tender for the Architects for the Wellness Centre. The Wellness Centre is a school funded project and will be a building where meditation, yoga, dance, movement and aerobics can take place. We will also be able to share this space with the Community beyond the school gates.
We interviewed the shortlisted architects last week and the recommendation now sits with the VSBA. The next step is to work with the architects on the design development process.
Last Thursday the Year 12 Theatre Studies students performed their monologues and they were superb. This was a great opportunity for them to present their monologues to an audience and gain valuable feedback for their performance exam on the 17 October.
The annual Art & Design show is now live and award winners were announced at our all-school assembly.
It's our Year 12's final week of classes and we look forward to celebrating this milestone with them on the Friday. The year 12 students will commence their study period in the lead up to the exams that commence with English on Wednesday 26 October.
Best wishes
Linda Brown