Science - Mrs Kate Foley

Term 4 Science 

Wow I can’t quite believe we are in the final term of the year! During term 4 the students will be completing a Chemical Science unit.

This week our Prep students learnt about the different tools scientists can use to look at things such as telescopes and microscopes. We then designed and created binoculars. We will use these binoculars to observe the properties of different materials!  

Our year One/Two students started their unit learning about different materials. Over the term we will be conducting investigations which will involve lots of mixing and observing. 

Our year Three/Four students have started looking at natural and processed materials. They will be conducting experiments, and investigating the properties of different materials. 

Our year Five/Six students will be investigating reversible and irreversible changes to materials. They will be creating mixtures and exploring how to separate them.

I’m looking forward to another exciting term with the students! Mrs Foley