Principal's News

Lindy Smith Deputy Principal

Dear Parents & Friends,


Welcome back to all our families. After such a busy and vibrant Term 3 with School Concert, Book Week celebrations, numerous excursions and incursions, swimming and Year 3/4 camp, Term 4 is stacking up to be just as busy. 


As you would have seen on the previous page we have now included a google calendar both in the newsletter and on the front page of our website  (lower section) to keep all families up to date. Schools are busy places with lots of activity and often many changes to accomodate this, so we will try to keep this calendar as up to date as possible. Here are the links to our Calendar.


Trinity Community Calendar

Trinity Website - School Calendar


As you look through the calendar please take note of 2 upcoming school closure days which Nigel has previouly advised. 

Monday 24th October  is  Professional Learning for all staff in teaching Mathematics which will be facilitated by Mr Martin Holt.

Monday 31st October will be an Assessement and Reporting Day and then Tuesday 1st November is Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. So there will be no school on these 3 days.


October will continue to be busy with our Transition days for Prep 2023 and the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Senior students. Our Preps and Year 1/2 students will also participate in an Outdoor Education afterschool activity (details to follow). Please look to December to note the schedule for our end of year celebrations, assemblies, Graduation and last day of school.


 As a faith community we pray for the following students who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday 18 October at 7pm at St Ignatius Church.

Felix                                      Abigail

Henry L                                Adelia

Lavenia                                Nathan

Sienna                                  Prytha

Deng                                    Henry M

Edie                                       William

 Andrew                                Amelia

  Dre                                       Nevaeh             


As the weather is warming up just a reminder that all staff and students need to wear a hat whilst outside. If a student forgets their hat they will need to play in the shade.

Whilst we were on holidays...

While everyone was enjoying their holidays we had a major upgrade of our WiFi which hopefully will see faster or more reliable Wifi. As well we were all greeted with a new addition to the playground with an extra sun shade build outside the junior area for all to enjoy.


Senior School Camp

A huge thankyou to our fabulous staff Frank Anania, Maryanne Gorman, David Gahan, Rachel McLeary, Georgia Barrass and Chloe Dybing who accompanied our senior student on camp. And a big congratulation to our students for their wonderful behaviour, gratitude  and appreciation of this wonderful experience. By all accounts it was a great time for all.


PBL - Positive Behaviour for Learning

In term four students will be involved in discussions and activities to understand our Positive Behaviours for Learning at Trinity. Students will be introduced to theexpectations and what that it will look like in their classrooms and across the whole school environment. The PBL matrix will also support our school values of Welcome, Excellence and Respect. We have included a copy of the matrix for your interest.

Seasons for Growth

Seasons for growth is a program based on the belief that change and loss are part of life, and grief is a normal response to these losses. Children, young people and adultsneed the opportunity to learn about how death, separation or other significant loss events may impact on their lives. The SEASONS for GROWTH program provides an opportunity for participants to learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand and respond to these experiences. Miss Antonella will be running this program in Term 4. If you would like your child to participate please complete the attached form and return it to the office. 


Prayer:  A Prayer for the beginning of Term: 

We are sure Nigel is enjoying his time away in Italy and look forward to welcoming him back on Monday 17th October



Lindy Smith

Deputy Principal